Consent fields

A consent field is a box that users can check to show consent for your organization's policies or terms of use. Consent fields are contact fields of the type Rules and terms

This type of contact field lets you link directly to the URL of any policy or document, making it easy for users to click, read, and check the box to indicate their acceptance and consent for your policy. 

When you create a contact field as a consent field, the checkbox and URL link to your policy will automatically appear on all online forms, including membership applications, donation forms, and event registrations. View the bottom of this page for examples.

Create a consent field

1. In the Admin view, navigate to Contacts > Contact fields and select Add new field.

2. For the field Type, select Rules and terms

3. The Field label is the name by which the new field will be identified in your database. Enter a label that clearly identifies its purpose.

4. Under Options, check Required field if you want users to be required to indicate consent. Make sure the box indicating For administrator access only is not checked. 

5. Enter a brief statement of consent in the Text field.

6. In the Link field, provide the URL for the policy or document users should read and consent to. 

7. Under Others access, select anybody

8. Providing Field instructions is optional. You can provide a brief explanation of the purpose of the consent field. Any text you provide in Field instructions will appear as greyed text beneath the consent checkbox and the linked document (see example below).

9. Click Save all changes in the top left corner of the screen when you are finished.

How will the consent field appear to users?

When you create a Contact field to be used for consent, the checkbox and URL link to your policy will automatically appear on all online forms, including membership applications, donation forms, and event registrations. 

Membership Application Example

Event Registration Example 

For a deeper dive on adjusting the visibility of specific database fields, view Controlling which fields appear on forms.


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