Payment settings - Consent URLs

When you provide the URLs for your organization's policies in the Consent URLs section of your Payment settings, WildApricot makes these links available to your website's users during the online payment checkout process. 

To provide your organization's Consent URLs, navigate to Settings > Payment settings and click Edit, located in the top left corner of your screen.

When a visitor to your website makes a payment, the checkout screen will appear similar to the example below. Users will indicate consent to your policies by checking a box just above the Pay button when they check out.

The security policy link in the checkout screen directs users to Personify's payment security policy. All other policies will direct users to your organization's policies using the URLs you provide.

Learn more

To learn how to create and effective policies for your organization, view our Policy management article.

To learn how to upload policy documents to the Files feature of your account, view Uploading files in the Files screen.


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