Released on December 21st, 2015
Version 5.7.1 includes the following bug fixes.
- Event reminder being sent to archived contacts
- Event reminder being sent to recipients with emails disabled
- Cancelled registrations being included in the event registration calculations
- Guest registrations not being counted when performing an advanced search using the Checkin count criteria
- Long event titles overlapping each other in calendar view in widget mode for Whiteboard theme
- Event time appearing incorrectly in RSS feed
- Unable to disable registration type attendance limit reached email in routing of system emails
- Wild Apricot not recording payment received via PayPal Payments Pro
- Manually settled payment shown as automatically settled in audit log
- recurring payment processed for member with suspended status
- Payment cancelled on PayPal recorded as successful on Wild Apricot
- Using CRE Secure with SagePay results in currency field is missing error when making invoice payment
- Incorrect word wrapping in email on Internet Explorer and Firefox
- Email editor hangs on Internet Explorer 10
- Email sent from advanced search page shows incorrect number of recipients
- Facebook page gadget not visible while adding or modifying until changes are saved
- Font styles not being applied to event description for Dark and Bookshelf themes
- Member directory sorting not working properly
- Advanced searches for archived or suspended members using renewal date last changed criteria producing incorrect results
- Member renewal confirmed emails sent twice to each member
- Restricted website admins with ability to add a photo album gadget unable to add photos to it
- Check in checkboxes appearing enabled to read-only admins
- Register now and Send email buttons available to read-only admins when viewing waitlist registration record
- Storage quota exceeded message displayed in error
- User gets error message when trying to log in using Facebook or Google+
- Uploading files through the Files screen results in Windows security login message in Internet Explorer 11