Version 5.2.2 release

Released on January 15, 2015

The Version 5.2.2 update consists of the following changes and enhancements.

Another new fully responsive theme set

Another fully responsive theme set – Whiteboard – has been added. The Whiteboard theme set is a simpler version of the Bookshelf theme set, with more white space, fewer gadgets styles, and no shadows or gradients. It makes for a great starting point for a fully customized yet responsive site. 

Like the more complex Bookshelf themes, Whiteboard themes are mobile friendly and scale down automatically to different screen sizes.

Bug fixes

A number of bugs were fixed, including the following:

  • Member unable to delete their photo albums
  • Missing site search results system page
  • Clear selection link not working for fields in admin view
  • Copied dashes being converted to "undefined"
  • Path of table background image not being saved properly
  • Restricted administrators unable to send email using saved member searches
  • Event-specific macros not working for manual email to event attendees
  • Linking a sized image resets it to original size
  • Plain text not being pasted properly
  • Unable to load page templates when default template has been deleted
  • Section dividers within common or membership fields causing member profile errors
  • Custom CSS styles not reflected in admin view
  • Unable to upload to Files screen on Internet Explorer 11
  • Local formatting changes on Chrome affecting other text
  • Text justification not working in Firefox if paragraph includes a break tag (<br>)


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