Version 5.15 release

Released beginning on November 23, 2017

The Version 5.15 release of Wild Apricot consists of the following changes.

Membership cards can now be printed by administrators

Administrators can now print membership cards, but only one at a time from the Membership tab of each member's contact record.

Events with waitlists now closed for registration when spaces become available

Now, if there are people are on a waitlist and space become available for a waitlisted event or registration type, public registration for the event or registration type will be automatically closed. This allows those on the waitlist to be registered for the event and prevents anyone else from snapping up the newly available spaces.

Link to registration type's waitlist appears even when empty

Registration types that have a waitlist enabled will be displayed within the list of registration types with a link to the waitlist, even if the waitlist if empty.

Previously, links to the waitlist were only displayed within the list of registration types if the waitlist had people in it.

Registrants can view and cancel their event registrations

Registrants can now view their event registrations from a new tab on their member profile called My registrations

By default, registrants can only view their event registrations. You can allow registrants to cancel their registrations by enabling the Allow cancellation option at the bottom of the registration type settings.

In this way, you can allow only registrants with particular registration types to cancel their own registrations. When you enable the Allow cancellation option, you can control how soon before the event cancellations can take place. For example, if you don't want cancellations in the week leading up to the event, you would specify 7 days. In that case, cancellations can take place 8 days before the event, but not 7 days before the event. If the number of days is not specified or set to zero, then cancellations will be allowed right up to the beginning of the event.

With the Allow cancellation option enabled, registrants can cancel their registration by clicking the appropriate row within their My registrations list then clicking the Cancel registration button from the registration details.

Cancelling a paid registration will automatically void the registration invoice and will generate a credit in the registrant's account.

New event registration cancelled email

A new event email is available: event registration cancelled.

This message is sent when an event registration is cancelled, either by an administrator or by the registrant. You can control whether the message is sent to the registrant and/or event organizer.

Restrict file access to entire folders

You can now restrict access to folders, so that the access restrictions you choose will be applied to all files (and subfolders) in the folder. You can restrict access to folders from either the Files screen or when inserting a picture or document.

After setting access restrictions for a folder, you can override the inherited restrictions for any file in the folder.

Bug fixes

A number of bugs have been fixed, including but not limited to, the following:

  • Unable to edit a site page with member directory or featured member gadgets
  • Contact ID not among field options when exporting financial documents
  • Theme rebuilding fails when you preview a different theme or try to rebuild a theme after uploading files as part of a theme override
  • Member since field displayed the date when a member completed the application form rather than the date a member paid the application invoice
  • New renewal date is not updated correctly for lapsed members who are manually renewed
  • Pending-Level change membership status of bundle members is not changed after bundle admin activation
  • Unable to edit membership cards in Internet Explorer


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