To be released beginning on May 22, 2018. The release will be published in batches over a space of a week to ensure stability. So, some changes may not appear on your account for up to 7 days after the release date.
The Version 6.2 release includes the following changes and enhancements.
Managing account administrators in one place
Previously, the only way to manage your account administrators was one a time within individual contact records. Now, there's a single Manage account administrators screen where you can view, add, modify, remove, and email your account administrators.
To display the Manage account administrators screen, hover over the Account menu in the upper right corner of admin view and select the Manage account administrators option.
For instructions on adding, viewing, modifying, removing, and emailing account administrators from the Manage account administrators screen, click here.
Changing your billing period yourself
From the Account screen, you can now change the billing period for a monthly plan yourself, instead of having to email Wild Apricot's billing department. You can change the billing period from monthly to yearly (for a discount of 10%) or every two years (for a discount of 15%).
This self-service option for changing your subscription period is only available for monthly accounts, and is not available for locked in and overdue accounts. To change back to a monthly plan, or to switch between yearly and every 2 years, you need to email
To change the billing period for a monthly plan, go to the Account and billing screen and click the Change period link beside the Monthly description of your subscription.
You'll be asked to choose a new subscription period and to confirm the change.
Once you confirm the new subscription period, we'll send a summary of the account change to your billing contact. On your next monthly renewal date, you'll be charged the annual or 2-year fee.
Bug fixes
A number of bug identified by our clients have been fixed, including but not limited to the following:
- Custom event fields only exported for first event
- Wrong registration type value when exporting invoices
- Exporting a multi-line text field with a lot of text to CSV messes up the formatting in the export file
- Theme overrides screen not displaying uploaded files
- CSS styles not applied to Privacy page in Tinted Tiles themes
- Account warning still displayed after completing renewal payment
- Account balance shown as overdue but there are no unsettled payments
- Unable to edit contact record without an email address
- Email log for event not loading
- Bundle admins received the bundle activation email twice
- Form not loading on checkout screen of online store in Firefox
- Donations report does not match donations list
- Donation date shifted one day ahead if recorded after 7pm
- Captcha not appearing on credit card payment screen
- Incorrect amount recorded for payment in JPY currency
- Zimbabwe not listed as a country when paying using Authorize.NET
- Wrong payment instructions displayed in member profile
- Stripe reports that Wild Apricot transmitted 1930 expiration year instead of 2030
- Unable to clone account with custom theme
- FirstName value is duplicated on LastName field for AuditLogItems API call