How to manage automatic renewal payments when you change payment systems

When you switch from one payment system to another, the payment details for members assigned to recurring payments for automatic membership renewal will not be automatically transferred to the new payment system. Your members will need to re-enter their payment details in their member profiles.

Follow the steps indicated below when changing payment systems.

Switching from Payflow Pro or Authorize.Net to WildApricot Payments (AffiniPay)

If you are switching from PayPal Payflow Pro or Authorize.Net to WildApricot Payments/AffiniPay, we can migrate your automatic renewals to WildApricot Payments/AffiniPay. To get started with the migration, contact our support department.

Switching from other payment systems to other payment systems

Cancel all recurring payments before switching to the new payment system, then set them up again for each member within the new payment system.

Here are the steps involved in this process:

  1. Disable Automatic recurring payments (automatic renewals) in Members > Levels > Membership level details > Renewal policy for each membership level.
  2. If you are using PayPal Payments Standard, cancel the automatic renewal for each member from within your PayPal account. If you are using any other payment system than PayPal Payments Standard, the recurring payments for existing members will be automatically canceled when you complete Step 1, above.
  3. On your Payment settings screen, switch to the new payment processor.
  4. Navigate back to Members > Levels > Membership level details > Renewal policy and enable Automatic recurring payments for each membership level.
  5. Make sure the relevant membership levels have renewal reminders enabled.
  6. Email all members who are signed up for automatic membership renewal payments, let them know about your change in payment systems, and request that they update their automatic renewal payment information in their profiles. 
    1. Within the email, tell them to expect a renewal reminder email before their next renewal date, and to follow the instructions in the reminder email. They should click the Renew button in their member profile to set up new automatic recurring payments with the new payment processor. 
    2. The text of your email might look something like this:
      "We are switching to a different payment system. Unfortunately, that means you have to set up your recurring payments for automatic membership renewal again. 

      Before your next renewal date, you'll receive a renewal reminder email from us with a link to your member profile. Click that link, then click the Renew button from within your member profile and follow the instructions to enter your payment details. 

      We're sorry for the inconvenience, but we hope you'll find the new payment system more helpful."


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