Released on April 27, 2007
The version 2.17 release of Wild Apricot includes the following features.
- Ability to change event price based on selected options on the event registration form(1421)
- Email customization improvements
- Member renewal emails customization (1338)
- Customizing Donations confirmation email is now available(1196)
- Member application workflow customization - you can leave new records as pending, customize emails and change sending options etc.(1407)
- Note: Make sure to review this feature and change settings as appropriate. As we have changed from hard-coded to settings-driven control of processing member applications, default settings have changed. Go to Settings / Member application workflow and e-mails to review and change settings
- Customize member directory sorting (1296)
- Documentation
- Css customization documentation - extended tutorial on changing theme colors (1654)
- Import and other help topics
- Usability improvements
- Back to list in member lists (1562)
- Show table borders in editor (1628)
- Insert HTML snippet (1716)
- Self-service function to close down a Wild Apricot account (672) (We hope you will never need it! But if you do - you can do it right away now yourself)