Sharing buttons gadget

Using this gadget, you can add buttons to a page on your Wild Apricot site that allow the visitor to like or share the page with one or more of their social networks.

You could, for example, add sharing buttons to the event details system page so that visitors can let others know about a particular upcoming event.

When visitors click on one of the sharing buttons, they will be prompted to log into the corresponding social network if they are not already logged in.

You can add buttons for the following social networks:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn

In each case, you can modify the HTML code used to display the button. For example, you could modify the code for the Facebook Like button to change the layout, color scheme, or width.

You can insert the gadget into a page onto your site, or into a page template so that all pages that use that template will automatically display the gadget. For instructions on inserting, moving, and deleting gadgets, see Gadgets.

Because this gadget uses code from third-party sources, it cannot be previewed in edit mode. To view the gadget in action, you must save any changes to the page.

Sharing buttons gadget settings

Using the gadget's settings, you can control its appearance and content. For instructions on displaying gadget settings, see Gadgets.

The following settings are available for sharing buttons gadgets:

Buttons to be displayed
Select the social networks that you want to display sharing buttons for. To modify the button code in each case, click the Edit HTML link beside the name of the social network.

Choose whether to display the buttons horizontally or vertically.

Gadget title
If you specify a gadget title, the title will appear specially formatted within the gadget. Depending on the gadget style you choose, the title may appear in a heading box.

For Kaleidoscope themes, use a Headline gadget instead of specifying a gadget title.

Gadget style
The gadget style determines the physical appearance of the gadget. The style you choose will determine the color and format of the gadget title, the gadget content, and the gadget border. You can choose from theme-specific styles and styles that are common to all themes.

The amount of space – in pixels – that appears outside the gadget. You can set top, bottom, left, and right margins separately.

(Kaleidoscope themes only) The amount of space – in pixels – that appears between the content of the gadget and the outer limits of the gadget. You can set top, bottom, left, and right padding separately. If you have set a fixed height for the gadget, the bottom padding will be ignored.

Within the Advanced section, you can enter CSS code or classes to further control the appearance and behavior of the gadget. For more information, see Gadget settings.


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