Version 7.1 release

To be released beginning on July 8, 2019. The release will be published in batches over the space of several days to ensure stability. Consequently, some changes may not appear on your account until after the release date.

The Version 7.1 release consists of the following bug fixes. 

  • Read-only administrators were able to edit, open, and close polls
  • Polls were being closed at the beginning of the close date not the end
  • Unable to enable emailing for a new account
  • Unable to custom admin logo
  • Facebook sharing link showing internal code
  • Facebook sharing link not showing image specified using og tag
  • Advanced search being sorted incorrectly
  • Error on payment screen: "This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms"
  • Donation print and preview function not working
  • Multiline text field collapses to one line when inserted as a macro
  • Admin emails using HTTP mode for custom domain despite traffic encryption settings
  • Table outline missing in event description


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