PayPal Payflow Pro

Payflow Pro is a payment gateway that allows you to accept online credit card payments on your Wild Apricot website. You can use it for one-time payments or recurring payments.

PayPal users are being transitioned to the new PayPal Checkout gateway. For more information, click here.

Before you can set up your Wild Apricot site to work with PayPal Payflow Pro, you must set up an account with PayPal.

If you enable a payment system other than Wild Apricot Payments, and your organization is based in the US or Canada, a 20% Payment System Servicing Fee will be applied to your account's billing plan on your next renewal date on or after July 2, 2019. For more information, click here.  

Paying using PayPal Payflow Pro

Once you've integrated PayPal Payflow Pro with your Wild Apricot site, visitors to your site can pay online for membership fees and event registrations, and make donations.

When a visitor fills out an integrated online form on your Wild Apricot website (e.g. membership application or event registration) and chooses to pay online, they will be directed to a secure Wild Apricot payment form to make the payment.

On the form, they fill out their credit card details and their billing information, then click the Pay button to complete the payment.

After the payment is processed, the visitor is returned to the Invoices and payments tab on their member profile, where an invoice will appear, along with a payment entry, if the payment was successful.

For security reasons, credit card information is not stored in Wild Apricot. Instead, it is securely transmitted to PayPal where it is processed. PayPal then returns the status of the payment transaction, which is recorded in your Wild Apricot transaction details.

Integrating your PayPal Payflow Pro account with Wild Apricot

Instructions for third-party payment systems are provided as a courtesy and may contain out of date information or screen clips. For the latest instructions, consult the payment provider's website.

Before you can set up your Wild Apricot site to accept online payments through PayPal Payflow Pro, you must have a PayPal Payflow Pro account. To create a PayPal Payflow Pro account, click here. Once you've set up your PayPal account, you can integrate it into your Wild Apricot site.

Other Wild Apricot administrators with full access privileges will be able to see your payment account credentials, so you might consider limiting administrative privilegesaccordingly. For example, you could grant full privileges until site setup is complete then remove or restrict the administrator privileges before setting up online payments.

Recurring payments

PayPal Payflow Pro supports recurring payments as a specialized add-on, available at an additional cost. If you want to set up recurring payments on your Wild Apricot site using PayPal Payflow Pro, you must sign up for the Recurring Billing Service.

Once you've set up your PayPal account and Wild Apricot account to support recurring payments, you can test your settings (see below).

What you need to get started

To integrate your PayPal Payflow Pro account with Wild Apricot, you'll need the following information:

The ID provided to you by the authorized PayPal reseller who registered you for Payflow Pro. If you purchased your account directly from PayPal, use PayPal.

Merchant Login
Your merchant login ID that you created when you registered for the account.

If you have set up multiple users on your account, you'll need the ID of the user authorized to process transactions. If you haven't set up additional users on the account, then enter your merchant ID as the user. To manage users on your account, go to your PayPal account and click the Manage Users tab under Account Administration.

The password you created when you registered for the account.

Disable secure token
You need to uncheck the Enable Secure Token option, which appears within the Security Options section at the bottom of the Setup screen.

Payment settings for PayPal Payflow Pro

Once you have a PayPal Payflow Pro account, follow these steps to integrate PayPal Payflow Pro into your Wild Apricot site:

  1. Click the Settings menu then click the Payment settings option (under Your account).
  2. On the Payment settings screen, click the Edit button. If you don't see an Edit button at the top of the screen, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click Other payment settings, then click the Edit button on the screen that appears. payment settings-Ot0.png
  3. Click the Payment system drop-down list and select PayPal Payflow Pro (beta).
  4. If you want to begin accepting online payments immediately, click the Live radio button. If you want to test your settings using test or sandbox accounts provided by PayPal, click the Test/Sandbox radio button. While in test mode, your payment provider will accept or decline your test transactions as it would live transactions, but will not charge any credit cards or update any bank accounts. Wild Apricot will, however, create payment records and update Wild Apricot balances as it would with live transactions. For more information, see Live vs. test/sandbox modes.
  5. In the Partner field, enter the ID provided to you by the authorized PayPal reseller who registered you for Payflow Pro. If you purchased your account directly from PayPal, use PayPal.
  6. In the Merchant login field, enter the merchant login that you created when you registered for your PayPal Payflow Pro account.
  7. In the User field, enter the ID of the user authorized to process transactions on your account. If you haven't set up additional users on the account, then enter your merchant ID.
  8. In the Password field, enter the password you created when you registered for your PayPal Payflow Pro account.
  9. Select the credit card types you want to accept. (These should match what you have set up in your PayPal Payflow Pro account.)
  10. Click Validate account to make sure your PayPal Payflow Pro account details are valid. If the account validation fails, check to make sure you entered the account details properly.
  11. Click the Default country drop-down list and select the country where the majority of your visitors reside. Your selection will appear as the default country to your customers.
  12. Select the currency you want to use in your transactions.
    Note: Do not change the currency after your site begins accepting online payments. If you change the currency, existing payment records will not be recalculated and will no longer display correct amounts.
  13. In the Instructions fields, add payment instructions to be displayed to your customers.
  14. Click Save changes.

Now that you have set up your Wild Apricot site to receive online payments, a Pay online button will appear after a visitor to your site clicks the Confirm button while applying for membership or registering for an event.

Testing recurring payments settings

To test whether recurring payments have been properly set up in your Wild Apricot account, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure the status of your PayPal account is Test.
  2. Within your Wild Apricot payment settings, set the Connection mode to Test/Sandbox.
  3. Enter your account details, validate them, then save your changes.
  4. Log out of your Wild Apricot account, or open your Wild Apricot account in another browser.
  5. Now, test your recurring payment settings by applying as a test member to a membership level with recurring payments enabled. You can use the following test credit card:
    Number: 4111111111111111
    Expiry date: any date in the future
    CVV code: 000
  6. Once the payment transaction is complete, check whether a recurring profile was created in PayPal. To do so, log into PayPal Manager then go to Service Settings, select Recurring Billing, and then Manage Profiles.
  7. Check whether current payments have been enabled for the test member in Wild Apricot. To do so, open the member's contact details within admin view and click the Membership tab. A notice indicating that recurring payments have been activated should appear.
  8. Once your test is successfully completed, go to PayPal Manager and switch the Status of your PayPal account to Live.
  9. In Wild Apricot, go to the Payment settings screen and switch the Connect mode to Live.


If you have any troubles processing payments with PayPal Payflow Pro:

  • Try to run a test transaction yourself and see what message you get from PayPal. You can then contact PayPal support with exact details.
  • Check your PayPal account type. To accept credit card payments, you need Business or Premier account. Personal PayPal accounts cannot accept credit card payments. (See Which account type is right for you?)
  • See Failed online payments


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