Released on August 11th, 2008
The version 2.35 release of Wild Apricot includes the following features.
- Authorize.Net payment option. If you have your own merchant account via Authorize.Net payment processor, you can now use it to process credit card payments with Wild Apricot.
- Invoicing for membership applications. As a first step, we've added the following capabilities:
- Automatically generate and email an invoice/payment receipt for membership applications.
- Administrators can view/reprint/resend invoices/receipts for membership applications.
This is just a first step in a large overhaul to implement proper invoicing workflows for all transactions. Over the next few releases you will see more invoicing functionality (and in subsequent releases, invoicing will be extended to other transaction types - event registrations, membership renewals etc). - Multiple member application pages. For example, you can now create a separate page for sponsor forms, another one for regular membership applications, one more for special discounted applications for students, and so on.
- Forum categories. Each forum can now be assigned to a category and you can create Forum summary pages with a list of all or some forums grouped by category.
- Rich-text formatting of introductory texts on functional pages. These used to be plain-text fields — now you can insert pictures and links, format the text, and add HTML and Javascript code.
- Search Engine Optimization tools and Advanced Customization (CSS) have been made available for all paid account plans (previously only available for Community plans and up).
- Wild Apricot support link now goes to our new support portal. Discussion forums are still in place, but should be used for non-urgent matters and general discussion. The new support system will improve request tracking to ensure that nothing ever falls "through the cracks" or into junk filters.
- Revised large parts of our code and upgraded to a new more powerful database server to maintain and improve system response time as we serve more and more clients.
- Widget code has been changed to process online payments in certain cases in a separate browser window - because Internet Explorer default security settings were blocking PayPal website from properly displaying within a frame.
- Member names in blog and forums posts are now linked to member profile pages
- Websites with custom domains can now choose which mailbox to use (previously it was hard-coded to admin@)