Membership application gadget


Using the membership application gadget, you can add a membership application form to a page on your WildApricot website so that visitors can apply for membership in your organization online.

This article helps you install and configure a membership application gadget on your WildApricot website. For detailed information about what content is included in a membership application form and how it appears to applicants, view Membership application form.

Note: You can't add more than one singular gadget to a website page, and a membership application gadget is a singular gadget. This means that when you're designing your WildApricot website, it's best practice to dedicate a page that will be used only for your membership application form. A page called "Join Us" or similar is what we recommend. 

Add the membership application gadget to a page

In the admin view of your account, select Website from the sidebar menu.

To create a new site page where your membership application form will be located, click Add page.

If you have already selected an existing site page as the desired location for your membership application, select that page from the Site pages menu and then click Edit.

The sections below provide detailed steps for each option.

Option 1
Create a new site page and add the application gadget

In the Website view, click Add page

1. In Page settings, enter a name for the page. The page URL will be automatically generated to match the page title.

2. Select the Page template you want to use for the new page's overall layout design. 

3. Select the position for the page to appear in the top website menu, or choose Not in menu. In the example above, the new Join us page will be positioned after the News page and before the Photo album page in the top menu.

4. Finally, set the access level for the page's visibility. To make the application page publicly available, be sure to select Public.

Option 2
Edit an existing site page and add the application gadget

1. Select and click on the page in the Site pages menu, then click Edit at the top of the screen.

Note: You cannot add the membership application gadget to a system page.

2. Click Gadgets.

3. Select the Membership application gadget and drag it to the desired position on the page. 

Note: The Membership application gadget will be greyed out and unavailable for adding to the page if there is already another singular gadget on the page you selected. 

Adjust the membership application gadget settings

After you have added a membership application gadget to a page on your website, you can adjust the gadget settings.

Hover over the membership application gadget within the editor and click on the Settings icon.

In the General gadget settings, you can select which membership levels you want to include on the application and in what order you would like them displayed. 

In the Appearance settings, you can modify the default margins of the application form. These settings control the amount of space that appears around the application form on your webpage. 

In the Advanced settings, you can enter CSS styling code to further control the appearance and behavior of the gadget. 

Add content above the form

You can add a description or introduction to your membership application form by inserting a content gadget above the membership application gadget. 

Within the content gadget, you can add an explanation of how to use the form or details about different membership levels. 


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