Remote procedure calls for admin API

Wild Apricot's API includes a number of remote procedure calls. While RESTfull API is the main model used by Wild Apricot API, some actions can be performed more efficiently with the remote procedure call model.

Wild Apricot's API is intended for use by developers with technical expertise. If you need assistance, we provide support via email or through our Developers forum. If you are not an experienced programmer, consider using Make (formerly Integromat) to build automated workflows with Wild Apricot.

All Wild Apricot remote procedure calls are performed using the POST http method. In general, remote procedure calls use the following syntax:

POST [baseAPIaddress]/v2/rpc/[accountID]/[action]

where accountID is the account identifier that is returned by the Accounts API call, and action is the name of the remote procedure.

The following remote procedure calls are supported. To view the Swagger documentation, click the appropriate link below.


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