Cross-border fee added by credit card issuers to WildApricot subscription charge

Some clients located outside of Canada may have noticed an extra fee (around 1-4% of the total charge) added to their WildApricot subscription fees. This is because credit card issuers sometimes add a cross-border surcharge on purchases made outside the credit card's country of origin. 

WildApricot does not assess these fees. 

This fee is charged by the issuing bank and is added as an assessment for the use of the international credit card processing network, whether or not there is a need for currency conversion to complete the transaction.

Cross-border fees can also be referred to as international service assessments, or they may be included in foreign transaction fees.

You can view Mastercard's explanation of its Cross-Border Services for a more detailed explanation of this fee.

Some card issuers pass this fee on to the cardholder, and it could even appear as a payment to WildApricot on your credit card statement. This is an issuer assessment applied directly by your credit card issuer and is not a fee charged by WildApricot.

Note: Canadian clients are assessed GST/HST fees on top of the WildApricot subscription fees specified on the pricing page.


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