Released on July 29th, 2009
The version 3.1 release of Wild Apricot includes the following features.
- ArtText - Spice up your webpages and page headers by rendering them as colorful text with a variety of different fonts and effects.
- Donation forms - You can add your own custom fields to help direct your online fundraising
- Advanced search - Contacts - You can perform searches using a variety of contact fields and event and donation fields similar to how you can search your member database.
- Member contact form - Now your members can be contacted by visitors and/or other members without having to reveal their email addresses on their profiles.
- Restricted Web Admin role - You can restrict website admins to specific areas or pages on your site.
- New theme - Glass (with 10 variations)
- Recurring payments with PayPal Pro - We now support PayPal Pro for recurring payments
- Extended table editing - Buttons added to the web page editor to add or remove rows and/or columns from your tables
- Improved clean-up of incompatible formatting codes pasted from Microsoft Word