Instead of checking in event registrants manually, you can use the Wild Apricot admin app to scan QR codes from their registration confirmation emails or their member app.
Checking in using QR codes offers several advantages:
- It's faster, since you don't have to find the registrant within a list
- It reduces human error since you can't accidentally check in the wrong registrant
- It prevents fraud and double check-ins
Setting up your event to send QR codes
QR codes will be automatically included in the event confirmation email if the email template includes the {QR_Code} macro. In place of that macro, a unique QR code will be inserted as an image.
The QR code will contain the event ID and the registration ID, and cannot be used by any other registration or for any other event. The registrant can print the email with the QR code or simply display it on their mobile device when they arrive at the event.
The QR code will not be included in the registration pending email that is sent when the registration fee is unpaid.
If you haven't modified your registration confirmation email template, then the {QR_Code} macro will be automatically added to the template. If you have modified your registration confirmation email template, then you can manually add that macro, or else you can edit the template then click the Restore default button to override your modifications and revert to the default registration confirmation template.
You can make these changes to the registration confirmation template for individual events, or to the default registration confirmation template so that all future events automatically inherit the macro.
To remove the QR code from email confirmation emails, simply remove the {QR_Code} macro from your confirmation email template.
Checking in using a QR code
When a registrant with a QR code arrives at your event, an administrator can use the Wild Apricot admin app to scan the code and check in the registrant.
From the event details tab for the event, the administrator taps the Check in with QR code option.
The first time the administrator chooses this option, they will be prompted to allow the app to access the camera on their mobile device.
You need to allow the app to access your camera if you want to use the app to scan QR codes.
Once you've granted the app access to your mobile device's camera, you can hold it up to the registrant's QR code within their registration confirmation email or member app.
The registrant can display the email on their mobile device, or hand in a printed copy of the registration confirmation email. Within the member app, the option to display the QR code appears on the ticket details within the My tickets tab.
If the registration stored in the QR code is a valid registration for the current event, and the registrant hasn't already been checked in, then a message will be displayed indicating that the registrant has been successfully checked in.
If the registration includes guests, the guests will not be checked in using the QR code. To check in the registrant's guests, tap the registrant's name to view their registration details and check in the guests from there.
For more information about the registration, tap on the registrant's name.
To check in another registrant, click the Scan another code option then scan the next QR code.
Checking in unpaid registrations
If the registration is unpaid, a message to that effect will appear, and the registrant will not be checked in.
To check in a registrant with an unpaid registration, tap the circle to the left of the registrant's name and choose one of the check-in options.
QR codes for other events
If the registration is for a different event, then the registrant will not be checked in, and a message will appear identifying the event.
Invalid QR codes
If the QR code does not include registration information for one of your events, then a message will appear indicating that the QR code is invalid.