Version 7.17 release

To be released beginning on November 30, 2020. The release will be rolled out to groups of accounts over a span of several days. Consequently, some changes may not appear on your account until after the release date.

The Version 7.17 release includes the following changes and enhancements.

Digital product support in online store

Support for digital products has been added to the online store. Now, when you add a new product, you are asked whether you want to create a physical product or a digital one.

For digital products, there's a new Digital product setup section within the product settings. Within this section, you can attach a digital file or provide a URL linking to a hosted file or virtual meeting.

In both cases, you can also enter a note to be included in the email with the link to the file or URL. 

You can't attach multiple files but you can attach a zip file containing multiple files.

If you choose to provide a link rather than attach a file, you can also enter an access code or password provided by an external service (e.g. Zoom).

Once a digital product order is paid, it is automatically fulfilled and an email with a link to the digital product is automatically sent. The link to an attached file will expire 7 days after it is sent. To send a fresh link to the digital product, click the Resend button within the product order details.

New email macros for digital products

The following email macros have been added for use within the digital product download email:

  • {Product_Name}
    The name of the digital product.
  • {Product_Link}
    The link to the digital product.
  • {Product_Emailnote}
    A note to be included in the email with the link to the digital product.
  • {ProductLink_AccessCode}
    The access code or password for the hosted file or meeting.
  • {ProductLink_ExpirationNotice}
    Text explaining that the link to an attached file will expire after 7 days.

Online store filter added to email log

You can now filter the email log to display just messages related to your online store.

Captcha replaced by reCAPTCHA

To reduce spam, Wild Apricot is using reCAPTCHA in place of Captcha for security checks on all forms, where enabled. Currently, reCAPTCHA  is being used on blog and forum pages, and on the store checkout page.

reCAPTCHA  is considered to be easier to use and harder to bypass. 

For administrators, no changes are required. If you've already enabled the existing Captcha for your forms, then it will be automatically replaced by reCAPTCHA.

For visitors to your site, the appearance is slightly different but the overall behavior is the same. The main difference is that new reCAPTCHA is tougher for spambots to crack, providing better anti-spam protection.

New webhook notification types

The following webhook notification types have been added:

Logged email
  • An email is added to the email log
Membership level
  • Any change to settings for an existing membership level
  • New level created
  • Existing level deleted
Membership renewal
  • Existing membership renewed

Bug fixes

A number of issues identified by our clients have been fixed, including but not limited to the following:

  • ICS event file cannot be imported to calendar on MacOS
  • Adding event to Office365 calendar results in server error
  • Adding event to Google calendar produces 400 error
  • Adding multi-session event to Google calendar creates event for the current day
  • Adding event to Google calendar creates event for the current day if # appears in the event details
  • Add to calendar option not appearing for events with apostrophes in the event title
  • Event appears closed in event calendar but open in event details
  • Member directory not listing some members
  • Recurring donations preventing member without recurring membership fee from renewing
  • Online store error when third party cookies are disabled
  • Products are removed from online store cart when more than 10 different items are added
  • Number of poll responses in polls list does not match actual number of responses
  • Unable to connect to Stripe account when reconnecting to upgrade to Stripe Checkout
  • Merge contacts failed
  • Members API not returning all events
  • Upgrade from free/trial plans not recorded in Wild Apricot


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