Changing the behavior of the Cancel button on membership applications

Normally, when a visitor clicks the Cancel button from the membership application form, they are returned to your Wild Apricot site's homepage. If you want to direct them to a different location, follow these steps.

  1. Within the Website module, click the Settings option at the top of the screen then choose the Global JavaScript option (under Site settings).
  2. Copy and paste the following code:
    $('.WaGadgetMembershipApplication .navigationContainer
    Page_ValidationActive = false;
    location.href = "redirect_page_url";
  3. Change redirect_page_url to the complete URL of the page you want to direct them to when they click Cancel.
    For example:
    $('.WaGadgetMembershipApplication .navigationContainer
    Page_ValidationActive = false;
    location.href = "";
  4. Click Save.


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