You use CSS to change the color of buttons on various self-service forms.
In the following example, the code changes the color of the Next and Cancel buttons on membership application forms to red.
.navigationOuterContainer .navigationContainer input.nextButton, .navigationOuterContainer .navigationContainer input.typeButton, .navigationOuterContainer .navigationContainer input[type=submit], .loginButton, .typeButton, input[type=submit] {background-color: #ff0000 !important; color:#ffffff !important;} /* button color */ .navigationOuterContainer .navigationContainer input.nextButton:hover, .navigationOuterContainer .navigationContainer input.typeButton:hover, .navigationOuterContainer .navigationContainer input[type=submit]:hover, .loginButton:hover, .typeButton:hover, input[type=submit]:hover {background-color: #ff0000 !important;} /* hover color */
To apply CSS code to your Wild Apricot site, go to the Website module and click the CSS option at the top of the screen.
On the screen that appears, enter the code in the Editor panel, then click Save to preview your customization within the preview area on the right. When you are finished making your changes, click Cancel to close the screen.