Facebook comments gadget

Using this gadget, visitors can comment on your site page using their Facebook account, and optionally, post their comments to their Facebook walls. To post a comment, visitors have to log into their Facebook account.

You can insert the gadget into a page onto your site, or into a page template so that all pages that use that template will automatically display the gadget. For instructions on inserting, moving, and deleting gadgets, see Gadgets.

The Facebook comments gadget uses Facebook's Comments plugin.

The Facebook comments gadget will occupy the full width of the placeholder or layout cell in which it appears.

Facebook comments gadget settings

Using the gadget's settings, you can control its appearance and content. For instructions on displaying gadget settings, see Gadgets.

The following settings are available for Facebook page gadgets:

URL to comment on
The URL of the page you want visitors to be able to comment on. For the current page, leave this field blank.

Number of posts
The number of comments to be displayed.

Color scheme
The color scheme used by the gadget.

The amount of space – in pixels – that appears outside the gadget. You can set top, bottom, left, and right margins separately.

Within the Advanced section, you can enter CSS code or classes to further control the appearance and behavior of the gadget. For more information, see Gadget settings.

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