You can design membership cards that you or your members can download and print. Once you design and publish your card, it can be viewed, downloaded, and printed by members from their member profiles, and by administrators one at a time from the Membership tab of each member's contact record.
The information displayed on membership cards will be automatically updated as their membership details change (e.g. membership renewal, profile update).
Membership cards are available for members with Active, Pending - Renewal, and Pending - Level Change statuses, and not for those with Lapsed and Pending - New statuses.
Only full administrators and membership managers can design membership cards.
You can include a link to the membership cards as part of an email blast or automatic membership email.
Creating a membership card
To create a membership card, follow these steps:
- Hover over the Members menu and select the Card option.
- On the Membership card screen that appears, click the Start button.
- Click the template you want to use as the basis for your membership card.
- Design your card. You can enter and format text, and insert images and macros. To move a macro to a different cell within the design, copy and paste the macro text. If you've already set up a picture field for your members (as a common field or membership field), you can insert a macro to automatically display each member's picture on their card. (For more information on setting up a picture field, see Adding profile pictures or avatars.)
A preview of your design will appear on the right, using data for the member with the longest last name in the your contact list. - Choose which members can access and download the membership card from their profile. If you don't want all members to access the card, click Specific levels only then choose the membership levels you want to be able to access the card.
- Click Save & Publish to save your card and make it available to members and administrators, or click Save as Unpublished to save the card without making it available to members and administrators.
Once you save your card, it will appear on the Membership card screen with data for the member with the longest last name in your contact list. The status (Published or Unpublished) will appear, along with any access restrictions you have set.
Until you publish your card design, it will be available to administrators only.
Adding the member's picture to your card
While designing your membership card, you can add the member's picture or avatar to your design. To do so, follow these steps:
- If you haven't already done so, add a picture field to your database. You can add the field to your common fields – if you want pictures to appear for all contacts – or to your membership fields – if you want pictures to appear for members only. Make sure the field is not set to For administrator access only, and be sure to set the Others access setting to Anybody or Members. For instructions on adding a picture field, click here.
- If you haven't done so already, use the picture field to add pictures to your contact records.
- Begin designing your membership card.
- Click within the area where you want the member picture to appear.
- Within the design toolbar, click the Macro option and select the {ContactField Picture} macro under Contacts (where Picture is the name you gave to the picture field and might be Avatar or Photo, etc).
- Click the Insert macro button to insert the macro.
The macro name should now appear on the left in the area you chose. Within the preview on the right, the picture for the member with the longest last name in your contact list should appear.
Once you are finished designing your membership card, click Save & Publish to save your card and make it available to members and administrators, or click Save as Unpublished to save the card without making it available to members and administrators.
Editing or publishing a membership card design
To edit your existing membership card design, or publish an unpublished card, click the Edit option at the top of the screen.
To redesign your card from scratch using a different template, click the Delete option.
On the Design card screen that appears, you add, remove, or reformat text, and add or remove images and macros. To move a macro to a different cell within the design, copy and paste the macro text.
To publish an unpublished card, so that it becomes available to members and administrators, scroll down below the access settings and click the Save & Publish button.
Printing and downloading cards by members
Members can print or download membership cards from their member profile. To access their member profile, members log in to your Wild Apricot site then click the link to access their profile. Depending on your website theme, the link can appear as the members' name or as the words View profile.
Their membership card will appear under the Membership details heading on their profile with all their membership details filled in.
From here, members can download their membership card as an image optimized for display on smartphones, or as a printable PDF.
Downloading the card as a PDF allows members to print the design directly onto cardstock then cut out the card along the cropmarks that appear on the page. Members should make sure they set the scaling to 100% before printing.
The size of the membership cards is 88.9 x 50.8 mm or 3.5 x 2 inches when printed at 300 dpi (1050 x 600 pixels).
Printing and downloading cards by administrators
Administrators can print and download membership cards one at a time from the Membership tab on each member's contact record.
Each card can be downloaded as an image optimized for display on smartphones, or as a printable PDF.
If an image hasn't been uploaded to a member's contact record, a placeholder image will be displayed in its place.
Emailing a link to the membership card
Since membership cards appear on the member's profile, you can email a link to the membership card by including the {Member_Profile_URL} macro in your message. Clicking the resulting link will take the member to their profile where they can view and download their membership card. You might want to include instructions about membership cards in your member activation email.