Event calendar gadget

So that visitors to your site can see your events and register for them, you can add an event calendar gadget to a page on your website – and restrict access to the page by membership level, member groups, or to administrators only. You can set up multiple event calendars, each displaying a different set of events (e.g. training vs. social events).

You can customize each event calendar by adding introductory text, choosing the default view, and controlling what type of events are included.

You can embed your Wild Apricot event calendar – or individual event details – into another website using widgets.

An event calendar can be viewed displayed in list view...

...or in calendar view.

Unlike an upcoming events gadget that lists only a limited number of upcoming events, the event calendar gadget can display all events, including past ones.

Whether an event appears on the calendar depends on the event visibility and access restrictions set as part of the event settings, and on the event calendar gadget settings (see below).

Adding an event calendar gadget

You cannot add an event calendar gadget – or any other singular gadget – to a page template or system page, or to a page containing another singular gadget.

To add an event calendar gadget to a page, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Website menu, then click the Sites pages option within the Website module.
  2. Create or begin editing the site page where you want the calendar to appear.
  3. Click the Gadget list to display the list of available gadgets.
  4. Drag the event calendar gadget from the list, and drop it where you want it to appear on the page. You can insert it into a cell within a layout, or above or below a layout.
    If the event calendar gadget is grayed out within the Gadgets list, that means you're editing a page that already has a singular gadget on it.
  5. After you have dropped the gadget in the desired location, hover your pointer over it and click the Settings icon.
  6. From the gadget settings panel on the left, choose the desired settings for the event calendar, including Among other things, you can choose which types of events are displayed, and which types of visitors can view the event calendar. For more information, see Event calendar settings (below).
  7. Click Save to save the changes to the page.

For instructions on restricting access to the page, see Page access and visibility.

Adding a title and description

You can add a title and description for your event calendar by inserting a content gadget ahead of the event calendar gadget. Within the content gadget, you can format the title and description using text styles. For more information, see Using the content editor.

Event calendar gadget settings

Using the gadget's settings, you can control its appearance and content. Among other things, you can choose which types of events are displayed, and which types of visitors can view the event calendar.

For instructions on displaying gadget settings, see Gadgets.

The following settings are available for event calendar gadgets:

Filter events by
You can filter the event calendar so that it displays only events with certain event tags. To filter the calendar, check only those event tags you want to include in the event calendar.

Show past events
Controls whether the calendar displays past events as well as upcoming events.

Show restricted events to public users
Choose whether to show events with restricted access to public visitors – those who are not signed in as members or administrators.

Show RSS icon
Controls whether an RSS icon appears on the event calendar beside each section title.

By clicking on the RSS icon, visitors to your site can subscribe and be automatically notified of updates to the calendar in their RSS reader. If your event calendar appears on a page with restricted access, the RSS feed will not be accessible to your RSS reader. If you see an error message after clicking the RSS icon, you need to add an RSS extension or add-on to your browser.

Default view
Controls whether the events are initially displayed within a list or within a calendar. Regardless of your choice, visitors can switch between list view and calendar view.

Calendar scale
If you choose Calendar as the default view, you can choose whether the calendar displays the current week, month, or year.

Week starts on
If you choose Calendar as the default view, you can decide whether the week begins on Sunday or Monday.

Upcoming events section title
The heading for the upcoming events section (appears in list view only).

Past events section title
The heading for the past events section (appears in list view only).

Text to show when there are no events
Specify the text to be displayed if there are no events to display (appears in list view only).

The amount of space – in pixels – that appears outside the gadget. You can set top, bottom, left, and right margins separately.

(Kaleidoscope themes only) The amount of space – in pixels – that appears between the content of the gadget and the outer limits of the gadget. You can set top, bottom, left, and right padding separately. If you have set a fixed height for the gadget, the bottom padding will be ignored.

Within the Advanced section, you can enter CSS code or classes to further control the appearance and behavior of the gadget. For more information, see Gadget settings.

Changing colors and fonts

You can change the colors, text styles, and backgrounds used in your website from the Colors and styles screen.

For more advanced fine-tuning, you can use CSS customization and theme overrides.

For instructions on color coding different types of events on the calendar view of your event calendar, click here.

For event calendar gadgets, you can modify the following elements from the Colors and styles screen:

Section headings

  • General formatting or Typography > H3
  • Typography > Event calendar title
    (Bookshelf, Clean Lines, Dark Impact, Fiesta, Firma, Homestead, Showcase, Skyline, Terra, Treehouse, Whiteboard, and White Space themes)
  • Event calendar > Title
    (Building Blocks, Tinted Tiles themes)

"Registration" on event details page

  • General formatting or Typography > H4

"Switch to Calendar/List View"

  • General formatting or Typography > Text/Normal, Link

Event name

  • General formatting or Typography> H4, Link

Event details

  • General formatting or Typography > Text/Normal

Event description

  • General formatting or Typography > Text/Normal
  • General formatting > Info box
    (for Blueprint, Business Casual, and Granite themes)

"Already registered", "Show details"

  • General formatting or Typography > Text/Normal, Link
  • General formatting > Info box
    (for Blueprint, Business Casual, and Granite themes)

Background color of event detail area

  • General formatting > Colored box > Info box
    (for Aurora, Glass, Keynote, Memo, Nature, and Notebook themes)

Background color of event registration form

  • General formatting > Form > Background color
    (for Aurora, Glass, Keynote, Memo, Nature, and Notebook themes)

Register button

  • Functional buttons > Normal/Hover
    (Clean Lines, Dark Impact, Fiesta, White Space themes)

Any changes you make will be applied to other gadgets that use the same settings.


If an event does not appear on your event calendar, check the following:

  • Check whether the event has been restricted to certain membership levels, member groups, or admin only
  • Check whether the event calendar gadget has been set to filter events by event tags

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