Searching for event registrations

As people register for events on your Wild Apricot website (see Customize event registration form), or as you record them manually (see Adding event registrants manually), they are automatically added to the contact database (if they are not there already). Whether guests are automatically added to your contact database depends on the Guest registration option you choose for each event from the event details.

You can search for all event registrants, only for certain types of registrants, or only for certain events.

Searching for all event registrants

To view a list of all contacts who have registered for at least one event – either as the main registrant or as a guest – hover over the Contacts menu and select the List option. From your contact list, select the with Event Registrations filter.

With your contact list filtered to display only event registrants, you can send an email to them by clicking the Email contacts button. To export the list of event registrants, click the Export button.

Clicking on an entry will take you to the contact details for that registrant. From the Contact details screen, you can view and edit contact information, and use the Prev and Next button to browse through other contact records in the list.

To see all their event registrations, click on the Events tab.

Searching for types of registrants

Instead of searching for all registrants, you can search just for main registrants or guests. From your search results, you can send an email to the registrants, and save the search for future use.

To search for particular types of registrants, follow these steps:

  1. Hover over the Contacts menu and select the Advanced search option.
  2. Click the Add criteria button and chose the Registered as option then click OK.
  3. Within the Registered as entry, choose the type of registrant you want to find.
  4. To save the search for future use, enter a search name then click Save. Otherwise, click Search.

Searching within specific events

You can search for registrants registered for a particular event. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Hover over the Contacts menu and select the Advanced search option.
  2. Click the Add criteria button and chose the Registered for specific event(s) option then click OK.
  3. Click the Select button and choose the event(s) you want to search.
  4. Click the Search button to find all registrants for the selected event(s), or click the Add criteria button to add more criteria such as the Registered as option (main registrant or guest).

Next steps

Once you have your search results, you can:

  • Send an email to the registrants by clicking the Email contacts button.
  • Export the results to a spreadsheet by clicking the Export button.
  • Archive the registrants by clicking the Archive contacts in this list button.
  • View individual contact details by clicking on contacts within the list, then use the Prev and Next button to browse through other contact records in the list.


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