Version 4.0 release

Released on September 26, 2010

The version 4.0 release of Wild Apricot includes the following features.

  • New Finances module - to manage accounts receivable
  • Import wizard redesign
  • Photo albums page. Create photo album pages for your site - you can even allow members to contribute their pictures, for example to collect pictures from a recent event. Pictures can be uploaded through a web form or via WebDAV (administrators only).
  • New admin role - Read-Only admin. This new admin role lets you give someone access to the administrative view of the site. They can view records and settings, but not change anything.
  • New website theme Nature - plus two new variations of existing themes: Dark Prime and Basic Green Pastel
  • Forum stickies. Lets you identify forum posts with important information (such as rules and regulations) that you want to have stay on the top of list of forums topics.
  • Inserting anchor links. These let you create anchors so that you can link to a specific part of your page. This also lets you quickly create a table of contents for long pages.
  • Forms/HTML gadget. Easily add the HTML for any form you may have created on an external site (like WuFoo) to your Wild Apricot web page.
  • Insert a link to an event. Add a link to an event as easily as you add any other link on your website.
  • Create a web page using a copy of an existing page. Simplifies the creation of Web pages on your Wild Apricot site. If you have a page that you want to re-use for a new page or want to use as a starting off point, you can do so with a click of the mouse.
  • Hex code on the color picker. If you know the hex code for the specific color that you want to use on your webpage you can enter it directly to make sure you have an exact match.
  • Search help directly from the administrator view. Get help when and where you need it in the Administrator view by clicking on the Question Mark button and entering your search terms. You'll also see a list of help pages that discuss the screen.
  • Edit Registration types on existing registrations
  • Revised payment report for event registrations
  • Ability to sort event attendees list by name, registration date or registration type
  • Cancel event registrations and track canceled registrations
  • Automatic clean-up of HTML
    We have implemented a new process to clean-up content pasted from other places. Wild Apricot will try to automatically clean up any invisible HTML that might interfere with your content being properly displayed or edited
  • Change in how extra cost fields are displayed on applications/registrations: If extra costs are used to determine event registrations or membership level fees, the levels displayed as 'Variable' instead of as Free
  • Special macro to send members a link to reset their password - Especially handy after import, this macro adds a link to emails for members to reset their passwords.


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