Redirecting a page

You may want to redirect a page on your Wild Apricot site so that clicking its menu option links to a page on another site. Your organization might have several local websites and consequently you want to include a menu option on each that links to a central website.

You cannot display the new page in a separate tab or window since popup blockers will prevent this.

To redirect a page on your Wild Apricot site, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new empty page. You should use the Plain page template to avoid inheriting unnecessary content.
  2. Within the page settings for the new page, enter a Page name – the name that will appear in your site menu.
  3. Find the Meta-tags section and uncheck the Use default checkbox beside Raw headers .
  4. In the Raw headers code box, enter the following code:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    try {
    if (!top.adminpanel) {
    window.location = "redirect URL";
    catch(e) {}
    <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0"; URL="redirect URL">
    and replace both occurrences of redirect URL with the URL of the page you want to redirect to (e.g. ). If you are redirecting to an external page, the URL must begin with either http:// or https://. If you are redirecting to a page on your Wild Apricot site, the URL should be /pageURL where pageURL is the page URL of your Wild Apricot page. Note that there are two places in the code where you need to enter the URL.
    Make sure you do not make a cyclical redirect to the same page.
  5. Click the Save button to save your changes.

Clicking the menu option for this page should now redirect it to the URL you entered. To test the redirect, make sure you are not logged as an administrator. You can test it as a public visitor or a member.

If the page you are redirecting is used by a widget on a non-Wild Apricot site, you need to replace:

if (!top.adminpanel) {


if (!BonaPage.topWindow.adminpanel) {

within the redirect script.


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