Membership reports

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Using membership reports, you can monitor and analyze membership trends. For example, you can use them to track membership growth over the last year, or to identify declining membership levels. You can also use membership reports to see a snapshot of your membership at a particular point in time.

In the initial release of membership reports, only the Trends report is available, and only with data dating from July 1, 2020 onward. In future releases, reports will be added that allow you to analyze when specific membership events such as renewals typically occur, and to track membership retention rates.

To display membership reports, hover over the Members menu and select the Reports option.

If you're already in the Members module, you can click the Reports option at the top of the screen.


On the Trends tab, you can analyze membership trends, see how your organization is growing over time, and identify which membership levels are performing better than others. You can also track recurring revenue for each membership level.

Your membership trends are illustrated using a chart and summarized within a table.

The membership trends report will display data from July 1, 2020 onward. 

Choosing your report parameters

You can choose which membership levels to include in your trends report, and the time period you want to look at.

To choose your report parameters, click the Set parameters button.

You can choose your own custom date range, or choose to view membership trends for the last 30 days, 3 months, 6 months, or 12 months.

Membership trends chart

The membership trends chart shows the relative number of active members for each selected level over the time period you chose within your report parameters.

Active members are members with a membership status of Active, Pending level change, or Pending renewal. For bundle levels, only the number of bundle administrators is counted.

By default, the data is displayed as a stacked bar chart. To display a stacked line chart instead, click the Chart view: stacked line option.

The chart scale options determine whether the data for the selected period is displayed by day, week, month, or year. 

When you hover over a time period within the chart, the membership level totals for the end of that time period will be displayed.

For example, if you hover over a month or a year, the totals for the end of that month or year will be displayed.

If you want to include the chart in a presentation or report, you can download it as a PNG image by clicking the Download chart option.

Membership trends summary

The trends summary table shows the number of active members for each level, and the monthly recurring revenue from membership fees, at the beginning and end of the selected period. The table also shows the difference between the starting and ending totals, as an absolute number and as a percentage.

The membership levels are displayed in alphabetical order. The revenue numbers use the currency you chose on the Payment settings screen.

For each selected membership level, the summary displays the following information:

Active members - Start
The total number of active members at the beginning of the selected period.
Active members - End
The total number of active members at the end of the selected period.
Active members - Diff #
The numerical difference between the number of active members at the beginning and end of the selected period.
Active members - Diff %
The percentage difference between the number of active members at the beginning and end of the selected period.
MRR - Start
The monthly recurring revenue from active members at the beginning of the selected period.
MRR - End
The monthly recurring revenue from active members at the end of the selected period.
MRR - Diff #
The difference between the monthly recurring revenue at the beginning and end of the selected period.
MRR - Diff %
The percentage difference between the monthly recurring revenue at the beginning and end of the selected period.

In the following example...

...there were 270 Bronze members at the beginning of the selected period and 216 at the end of that period, resulting in a 20% decline and a loss of 54 members. Recurring revenue from Bronze members went from $5,400 a month to $4,320, a difference of $1,080 or 20%.

Monthly recurring revenue (MRR) is a common metric used to assess the financial health of any organization that depends on subscriptions. It measures the total amount of predictable revenue that the organization can expect to receive on a monthly basis. 

In the trends summary, recurring revenue is calculated by multiplying the number of active members for each level by the current membership fee for that level. 

Recurring revenue = # of active members x current membership fee

Extra membership costs, refunds, and taxes are not taken into consideration. Revenue from events, donations, and store sales is not included. Revenue from members whose membership was activated without an invoice will not be included either. 

For a report covering all your sources of revenue, run the income report.

Changes in membership fees during the selected period will not be reflected in the revenue totals since only the current membership fee is used in the calculation. 

To copy the summary table to the clipboard, so that you can paste it into any spreadsheet program, click the Copy table option.


This report will be available in a future release.


This report will be available in a future release.


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