You can delete an entire event, and cancel or delete individual event registrations. In either case, you have options for dealing with the registration fees that have already been paid.
Registrants can also cancel their own registrations if you have enabled that option for their ticket type. You can choose to automatically cancel registrations if the registrant does not pay the fee within 15 minutes.
For a look at your options when you need to delay, reschedule, or cancel an event, click here.
Cancelling vs deleting events
After setting up an event and accepting registrations and payments, you may choose to cancel the entire event. There are two different ways to handle this within Wild Apricot: delete the event altogether, along with any existing registrations, or keep the event in your event database but disable new registrations and cancel each registration individually.
We recommend not deleting the event, but instead disabling registrations for the event, changing the name of the event to Canceled: [name of event], and canceling each registration individually.
Deleting events
Deleting an event will automatically delete all registration invoices for the event. (The deleted invoices can be found in your financial history, along with a record of their deletion.) However, refunds will not be automatically issued, and any registration fees already paid will remain as credits on the registrants' accounts. You can issue refunds for the registration fees or simply inform the registrants that the fee has been credited to their accounts and can be applied to future fees.
A deleted event cannot be restored.
Any registrants added as contacts as part of the registration process will remain in the contact database.
Before deleting an event, you should send an email to all event attendees, since the attendee list will no longer be available once the event is deleted.
To delete an event, follow these steps:
- Hover over the Events menu and select the Event list option.
- Click the name of the event to be canceled within the events list.
- Click the down arrow beside the Edit button and click the Delete event option.
- You will be prompted to confirm the deletion by checking the I understand and want to delete checkbox then clicking the Delete button.
Archiving an event
There is no explicit option for archiving an event but you can achieve the same result by changing the event access setting to admin only and disabling registration for the event. The event – including registration information – will be visible only to administrators.
Deleting registrations by administrators
Administrators can either cancel or delete individual event registrations. A canceled registration still appears within the registrations list and can be restored, but a deleted registration is completely removed from your records.
To delete an event registration, follow these steps:
- Hover over the Events menu and select the Event list option.
- Click the name of the event within the events list.
- Click the Registrants & invitees tab.
- Within the registrants list, click the row showing the registration you want to delete.
- From the registration details screen, click the Delete button to delete the registration.
- Click the OK button to confirm the deletion.
When you delete an event registration, the registration invoice is automatically voided. (The voided invoice can be found in your financial history, along with a record of its voiding.) If the registration fee was already paid, it will not be automatically refunded. Instead, the payment will be unsettled from the invoice, and the registrant's account will be credited the amount of the fee. You can issue a refund for the registration fee or simply inform the registrant that the amount has been credited to their account and can be applied to future fees.
Cancelling registrations by administrators
After registering for an event, an individual may wish to cancel their registration. Registrations can be cancelled by an administrator or by registrants themselves (if you have enabled this option for their ticket type). Cancelling a registration will cancel the guest registration as well as the main registration.
When you cancel an event registration, the registration invoice is automatically voided. (The voided invoice can be found in your financial history, along with a record of its voiding.) If the registration fee was already paid, it will not be automatically refunded. Instead, the payment will be unsettled from the invoice, and the registrant's account will be credited the amount of the fee. You can issue a refund for the registration fee or simply inform the registrant that the amount has been credited to their account and can be applied to future fees. To apply the credit to another event registration, register the person for the other event, then settle the payment to the newly generated registration invoice.
If you have chosen to impose a cancellation fee, you can issue a manual invoice to the registrant then settle the registration fee payment to the invoice and the refund.
If added as a contact as part of the registration process, the registrant will remain a contact.
To cancel an individual registration for an event, follow these steps:
- Hover over the Events menu and select the Event list option.
- Click the name of the event within the events list.
- Click the Registrants & invitees link.
- Within the registrants list, click the row showing the registration you want to cancel.
- From the registration details screen, click the Cancel registration button to cancel the registration.
- You can enter a note explaining the reason for the cancellation then click OK.
- Click the Send notification button to send the Event registration canceled message.
The Event registration canceled message is not automatically sent when a registration is canceled manually.
The canceled registration will still appear within the registrations list.
To restore a registration after canceling it, click the Restore button within its registration details. The registration will be restored, but the voided invoice remains voided.
Canceling registrations by registrants
Registrants can cancel their own registrations if you have enabled that option for their ticket type.
To allow registrants to cancel their own registrations, enable the Allow cancellation option. For advanced events, this option appears within the settings for individual ticket types.
For simple events, it appears within the event details.
When you enable the Allow cancellation option, you can specify the minimum number of days before the event that cancellations can take place. For example, if you don't want cancellations in the week leading up to the event, you would specify 7 days. If the number of days is not specified or set to zero, then cancellations will be allowed right up to the beginning of the event.
With the Allow cancellation option enabled, registrants can cancel their registrations from the My event registrations tab on their member profile. The registrant will be prompted to confirm their desire to cancel their event registration.
Cancelling a paid registration will automatically void the registration invoice and will generate a credit in the registrant's account. Depending on your event's email settings, a cancellation message may be sent to the registrant and event organizer.
Automatic cancellation of unpaid registrations
If the payment method for an event's registration fee is set to online only, you can provide for registrations to be automatically cancelled if the registrant does not pay the fee within 15 minutes of clicking the Pay online button. With the Online only payment method selected, you can check the Automatically cancel registration if payment not received within 15 minutes option.
If this option is enabled and the payment is not received within 15 minutes, the registration will be automatically cancelled and the corresponding invoice will be automatically voided.
The registration will not be deleted but cancelled, and will appear in your registrations list with a status of cancelled. The invoice will not be deleted but will be voided.
Depending on your event's email settings, a cancellation message may be sent to the registrant and event organizer. If not already a contact in your database, the registrant will be added as an archived contact.
Payments made after 15 minutes will still be recorded but will not be applied to the invoice.
The automatic cancellation of unpaid registrations does not apply to people on the waitlist who are automatically registered when spaces become available.