To track your fundraising efforts, you can add a donation goal to a page on your site. The donation goal gadget displays a progress bar that measures progress towards your financial goal.

You can insert the gadget into a page onto your site, or into a page template so that all pages that use that template will automatically display the gadget. For instructions on inserting, moving, and deleting gadgets, see Gadgets.
For more information, see Donations.
Donation goal gadget settings
Using the gadget's settings, you can control its appearance and behavior.
For instructions on displaying gadget settings, see Gadgets.
The following settings are available for donation goal gadgets:
The donation goal you are trying to reach. The currency used here is the one selected on the Payment settings screen.
Donation page to link to
Displays a donate button that links to the page you select. You can only choose pages that include a donation form gadget. If you don't want a donate button to appear, select None.
Include in Collected
Choose whether to display all donations or filter the donations by a particular donation field. You may be running multiple fundraising campaigns and need to display a separate progress indicator for each campaign. If you want to filter the donations, you can select any donation field whose type is multiple choice, radio buttons, or dropdown. After you select a donation field, you select a value for that field. For example, if you use a donation field called Fund to allow donors to direct their donations to different funds, you could select the Fund field then choose among possible field values such as Building or Maintenance.
Filter by date
If you want to filter donations by date, choose the start and end dates of the donations you want to include.
Gadget title
If you specify a gadget title, the title will appear specially formatted within the gadget. Depending on the gadget style you choose, the title may appear in a heading box.
For Casefile and Kaleidoscope themes, use a Headline gadget instead of specifying a gadget title.
A brief description of your fundraising campaign.
Button label
The label that appears on the donate button. The button only appears if you choose a Donation page to link to (above).
Gadget style
The gadget style determines the physical appearance of the gadget. The style you choose will determine the color and format of the gadget title, the gadget content, and the gadget border. You can choose from theme-specific styles and styles that are common to all themes.
The amount of space – in pixels – that appears outside the gadget. You can set top, bottom, left, and right margins separately.
(Casefile and Kaleidoscope themes only) The amount of space – in pixels – that appears between the content of the gadget and the outer limits of the gadget. You can set top, bottom, left, and right padding separately. If you have set a fixed height for the gadget, the bottom padding will be ignored.
Within the Advanced section, you can enter CSS code or classes to further control the appearance and behavior of the gadget. For more information, see Advanced gadget settings.
Changing colors and fonts
You can change the colors, text styles, and backgrounds used in your website from the Colors and styles screen.
For more advanced fine-tuning, you can use CSS customization and theme overrides.
For donation goal gadgets, you can modify the following elements from the Colors and styles screen:
Gadget title
- General formatting or Typography > H4
- Gadgets/Gadget styles > Title
(Blueprint, Fiesta, Firma, Homestead, Showcase, Skyline, and Terra themes)
Gadget background
- Gadgets > Background
(Showcase, Skyline themes)
Progress bar fill color
- Gadgets/Gadget styles > Donation bar
(Blueprint, Fiesta, Homestead, and Skyline themes) - Donation goal > Donation bar
(Building Blocks, Clean Lines, Dark Impact, Firma, Kaleidoscope, Showcase, Terra, Tinted Tiles, White Space themes)
Progress bar background
- Gadgets/Gadget styles > Donation bar background
(Blueprint, Fiesta, Homestead, Skyline themes) - Donation goal > Donation bar background
(Building Blocks, Clean Lines, Dark Impact, Firma, Kaleidoscope, Showcase, Terra, Tinted Tiles, White Space themes)
Progress bar outline
- Donation goal > Donation bar border color
(Building Blocks, Firma, Kaleidoscope, Showcase, Terra, Tinted Tiles)
Progress bar percentage
- Donation goal > Donation bar percentage
(Building Blocks, Firma, Kaleidoscope, Showcase, Terra, Tinted Tiles)
"Goal, "Collected" labels
- Gadgets > Donation labels
(Homestead, Skyline themes) - General formatting or Typography > Text/Normal
(all other themes)
"Goal" value
- Donation goal > Donation labels
(Building Blocks, Firma, Kaleidoscope, Terra, Tinted Tiles) - Gadgets > Donation goal
(Homestead, Skyline themes) - General formatting or Typography > Text/Normal
(all other themes)
"Collected value"
- Donation goal > Donation labels
(Building Blocks, Firma, Kaleidoscope, Showcase, Terra, Tinted Tiles) - Gadgets > Donation collected (Homestead, Skyline themes)
- General formatting or Typography > Text/Normal (all other themes)
- Gadgets > Donation description
(Homestead, Skyline themes) - Donation goal > Donation description
(Building Blocks, Firma, Kaleidoscope, Showcase, Terra, Tinted Tiles) - General formatting or Typography > Text/Normal
(all other themes)
Donate button
- Gadgets > Donation button
(Homestead, Skyline themes) - Donation goal > Donation button
(Building Blocks, Firma, Kaleidoscope, Showcase, Terra, Tinted Tiles)
Any changes you make will be applied to other gadgets that use the same settings.