There are several third-party services that allow you to track and analyze traffic to your Wild Apricot site, including Google Analytics. Using Google Analytics, you can track the number of page views, unique visitors, and average visit duration, among many other metrics.
Instructions for third-party services like this are provided as a courtesy and may contain out of date information or screen clips. For the latest instructions, consult the third party's website.
To use Google Analytics, you need both a Google account and a Google Analytics account. Both are provided free of charge by Google.
Setting up with Google Analytics
Google is rolling out a new version called Google Analytics 4. For instructions on using the new version, click here.
To get set up with Google Analytics, follow these steps:
- Go to
- Click the option to sign into Google Analytics.
- You'll be prompted to sign into your Google account or create one.
- Click the Admin icon in the bottom left corner of the main Google Analytics screen then click the Create account button.
- On the New Account page, you choose an account name (which can be any identifier you want), enter your website's name and URL, and set your time zone.
- Under Data Sharing Settings, choose whether you wish to share your analytics data with Google.
- Click the Get Tracking ID button.
- Click I agree to agree to the user agreement.
- From the Tracking Info page that appears, copy the tracking code.
- Log into your Wild Apricot site.
- From the Website module, click the Settings option then click Global JavaScript (under Site settings).
- On the Global JavaScript screen that appears, paste the code from Google Analytics. If there are other scripts already there, be sure not to overwrite any of them.
- Click the Save button.
- Return to Google Analytics, reload or refresh the page, and check the tracking status.
Once the tracking status appears as Tracking Installed, Google Analytics will begin tracking your site. If the status appears as Receiving Data, that means Google Analytics has already begun tracking your site.

It may take up to 48 hours for Google to activate the tracking code.
If you're having trouble finding the tracking code page again, click the Admin option along the left side of your Google Analytics screen then click Tracking Info under Property and choose the Tracking code option.

Using Google Analytics
Once you've set up your Google Analytics account, visits to your site will be tracked. Previous site traffic – which took place before tracking was set up – will not be included in your site statistics.
To view tracking reports for your site, click the Reporting option at the top of the screen.

The traffic recorded by Google Analytics tends to be 3-4 hours in the past, so when you first set it up, you'll likely see no traffic at all.