Text message recipient filters

Using filters to define text message recipients

When you set up a text message campaign, you have access to various recipient filter options. These filters assist you in choosing the contacts from your database who will receive text messages for the campaign.

After you complete your filter selections, you can click Show the list to preview the list of actual recipients.

Note: Only recipients listed as contact in your WildApricot database, with a valid mobile phone number, and who have indicated consent are eligible to receive text messages.

Predefined filters

When you select Predefined filters, you can choose from the following:

  • All contacts (excluding archived)
  • Contacts with email delivery disabled
    • This includes all contacts who have email delivery disabled in their profile settings
  • Archived contacts
  • Active members
  • Pending renewal members
    • This filter includes only members with a status of Pending - Renewal
  • Members with email delivery disabled
    • This includes all members who have email delivery disabled in their profile settings. Members with a status of Pending - New, Suspended, or Lapsed are not included

Saved search

If you select Saved search, choose the specific saved search you want to use to create your recipient list. The system displays all searches you have created and saved in Contacts > Saved searches.

Email non-openers

This filter allows you to send a text message to the recipients of an email (sent from your account within the last 21 days) who have not opened the message.  If you select Email non-openers, choose the specific email to define your recipient list. 

Important Note: If you have disabled email tracking for a particular email, then all recipients of the email will be included in your Email non-openers text message campaign, whether they opened the message or not.

Membership level

If you select the Membership level filter, choose the level you want to use to create your recipient list. Eligible recipients within a membership level include members with one of the following statuses: 

  • Active
  • Pending - Renewal
  • Pending - Level change

Members with a status of Pending - New, Suspended, or Lapsed are not included. 

The system displays all membership levels you have created and saved in Members > Levels.

Member groups

If you select the Membership groups filter, choose the group you want to use to create your recipient list. The system displays all membership groups you have created and saved in Members > Groups.

Event registrants

If you select the Event registrants filter, choose the event you want to use to create your recipient list. This filter includes contacts who are registered for a particular event, whether the event is public or not.

You can view all events saved in your account by navigating to Events > Event list.

Important Notes about the Event registrants recipients filter:

  • Only past events that took place within the last 12 weeks, or future events due to take place within the next 12 weeks, are available to select.
  • To be eligible for a text message campaign, the event must include the mobile phone database field on the registration form. 
  • Guests of event registrants will not be included as message recipients even if their contact information was entered as part of the registration.

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