Version 4.1 release

Released on January 12, 2011

The version 4.1 release of Wild Apricot includes the following features.

  • E-mail Subscription Form. Email Subscription Form page can be used by people who are not yet in your database - in this case they will be added to your database as a new contact - or by existing members and other contacts, to indicate their interest in a particular topic. Once the form is submitted, you can send a customizable confirmation email to the subscriber and/or a copy to the administrator.
    You can find all contact records marked with a particular subscription source via Advanced search under Contacts - and then use Email blasts function to send appropriate emails to this group.
  • You can now add contact and member records with empty email
  • Event emails (e.g. automatic event announcements) can now be customized separately for each event (vs. one common template for all events)
  • It is now possible to define default membership emails (used for new levels) and change any membership email for all membership levels at once (vs. current functionality where it has to be edited in each level separately)
  • Access your support tickets. You can view the list of tickets and ticket status from within your account.
  • Confirmation fields for password entry on all forms and hiding entered password characters
  • Many other smaller enhancements and bug fixes


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