Adding an event to an external calendar

After someone registers for a Wild Apricot event, they can add the event to calendar programs such as Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Office, Apple iCal, Yahoo, and Google Calendar, and to calendar apps on smart phones and tablets.

Their calendar program will automatically use the timezone of the event to set the equivalent event time in their calendar.

Adding events to calendars

To add an event to a calendar program, register for the event, then go to the event page in public view and open the event details. In the top-right corner of the event details, click the Add to my calendar dropdown and choose the calendar program you want to add the event to.

If you choose an online calendar (e.g. Google Calendar), you'll be asked to sign in. If you chose any other calendar, an .ICS file will be automatically downloaded that you can use to import the event into your calendar program. For instructions on importing .ICS files into calendar programs, see the appropriate section below.

For instructions on adding an event to your mobile device calendar, click here.

Importing .ICS files into MS Outlook

To import the .ICS file into MS Outlook, follow these steps:

  1. From your download folder, double click the .ICS file.
  2. Click the Open button.
  3. Enter any notes then click Save and Close.


  1. In Outlook, click the File menu or tab and select the Open > Import or Import and Export option (depending on your version of Outlook).
  2. Select Import an iCalendar (.ics) or vCalendar file (.vcs) then click Next.
  3. Find the downloaded .ICS file then click on OK.
  4. Click Import.

Importing .ICS files into Apple iCal

To import the.ICS file into Apple iCal, follow these steps:

  1. From your download folder, double click the .ICS file.
  2. From the Add Events dialog that appears, select the calendar where you want the event to appear.
  3. Click OK.


  1. Open iCal.
  2. Click the File menu and select Import.
  3. Find the downloaded .ICS file.
  4. Click Import.
  5. Select the calendar where you want the event to appear.
  6. Click OK.

Adding an event to a mobile device calendar

To add an event from your Wild Apricot site to the calendar on a smart phone or tablet, open our mobile app for members, then display the event details within the app and click the Add to calendar option within the event details.

For more information on Wild Apricot's mobile app for members, click here.

Emailing a link to the ICS file

You can email a link to event registrants that downloads the ICS file for an event. The link consists of the event URL with /export appended to the end of the URL.

For example, if your event URL is then the link to download the ICS file for that event would be


  • If the event time shown on your calendar does not match your event time, it may be due to timezone differences. Check that the event timezone specified in your Wild Apricot site is the same as the timezone on your computer or calendar. If you changed your timezone after your event had already been created, you need to go into the event and re-save it for the new timezone to take effect.


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