Version 8.3.0 Release

Released on September 21, 2023. Updates described below may not be immediately available. To view the latest version of WildApricot in your browser, clear your cache

What's new

Text messaging and new Communication menu option

Increase member engagement with our improved Text messaging feature. Formerly known as the Text Notification Service (TNS), we've simplified the name and moved it to a new location in the admin view. Now you'll find text messaging and email controls all in one place when you select Communication in the sidebar menu. 

To learn more, see Getting started with text messaging

Improved user experience for Billing

We're working hard to give our WildApricot customers more control over their Billing settings. For this release, a specific group of clients have been selected to pilot a new Billing user interface. 

For those participating in the pilot release, the Organization address will become read-only in Account > Organization > Organization details but can be edited by selecting Change customer info in Account > Billing.

Feature enhancements

Changes to Dashboard

We've adjusted the order in which widgets are displayed on the admin Dashboard, informed by our analysis of usage statistics. The most-referenced widgets will now appear at the top.

To learn more, see Your WildApricot Dashboard

Getting started page removed from admin view

We've improved the user experience in the admin view of your account by removing the Getting started page and enhancing the Help & Support and Dashboard features to take its place. If you previously saved the Getting started page in your browser, be sure to update your bookmarked or favorited link to the new Dashboard page.

API improvements

Numeric fields support

We’ve released a new version of the API (2.3) in support of our new Number field type. In the new version, the Number field type (FieldType) is recognized as a numeric value rather than a text (string) value.

Ability to join waitlist in the Members API

The /EventRegistrations endpoint now receives an extra field in the request model: “ForWaitList” (Boolean). If true, the server ignores any registration limit checks and creates a waitlist registration, as long as a waitlist is permitted in the event's settings.

Support for integrations in Zapier 

In preparation for the beta integrations available in Zapier, contact domain event and webhooks have been modified to add details about the type of action performed on a contact. We send the event ContactModified with parameters for each of the following actions: Created, Deleted, and Changed.

To learn more, view our articles on WildApricot's APIs in our help center.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused an error when some members clicked the links in their invoice emails
  • Implemented fixes when some admins with multiple accounts experienced trouble loading their sites in Chrome
  • Addressed an issue that was causing the incorrect date to be shown in the Profile last updated field after changes were made to profiles
  • Fixed a problem blocking two-factor authentication emails from being received by some administrators who had emailing disabled in settings
  • Corrected a problem that prevented some admins from being able to edit their site pages after loading the home page in edit mode
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Renewal pending emails from being sent
  • Addressed a problems that caused scheduled emails not to be listed in the Emails feature
  • Addressed an issue with our public API that caused JSON export requests to return an error
  • Implemented a fix for widgets that weren't working properly when third-party cookies were disabled


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