Emails are not being sent to all contacts in the list
There are a few reasons why your message might not be sent to all the contacts on your list:
- They have opted out from receiving email blasts
- They have had email delivery disabled by the system because of previous delivery issues
- They do not have an email address entered on their contact record
Emails appear differently on different mobile devices
- On Apple iOS devices, content will automatically reflow from multiple columns into a single column when the screen width is less than 480 pixels. On all other mobile devices, multiple columns are maintained but the columns will be narrowed.
Background images not appearing on certain email readers
- Background images are not displayed when messages are viewed on Yahoo and Outlook 2007/2010/2013 (though Outlook provides an option to view the message in a web browser).
My image-only emails are being flagged as spam
- Many email readers block image-only emails because they are frequently used by spammers
- Other email readers will route image-only emails to junk or spam folders
AOL is rejecting all my email messages
- AOL email servers automatically reject all incoming 3rd party email domains that start with AIM or AOL (e.g. an email coming from "" or "" is not allowed). This means if your primary Wild Apricot domain starts with AIM or AOL (as in, Wild Apricot will use as the FROM email for all outgoing emails, and all emails to anyone on AOL will bounce as a result for using an "unauthorized IP". To send emails to contacts with AOL email addresses, make sure your FROM email and REPLY-TO email domain do NOT start with @AIM or @AOL. You can check the current FROM email and default REPLY-TO emails in Organization details.
- As well, AOL has instituted limits on the number of emails you can send to their servers per hour and per day. If you exceed the limit, AOL may fail to deliver your email.
Gmail is clipping my email messages
- Gmail will clip emails with a file size in excess of 102KB, and hide the full message behind a View entire message link.
The file size of the message includes the text of the message, the HTML used to format, and the full URLs of any links. To avoid this, make sure the total size of your message, including HTML, is less than 102KB. To determine the size of your message, send it to a test address, then copy its source code and paste it in a text file. The size of that text file will approximate the size of the email message. The message size can be inflated by pasting formatted text, so try pasting as plain text instead.
My message includes a lot of links and some of them are not working
There is a limit of 100 links per message. Any additional links will not function properly.