

When you visit a WildApricot site – as an administrator, member, or visitor – cookies may be placed on your computer by WildApricot or a third party. A list of cookies placed by WildApricot is provided below.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a chunk of data – typically stored as a text file – that is placed on your computer or other device when you visit a particular website. The cookie is used to identify your device to the website when you visit again so the site can load your preferences, automatically accept your credentials, or otherwise personalize the experience. 

Cookies do not store personal information about you, just information that identifies your device and makes websites function more smoothly. For example, third-party cookies are used by Google Analytics for tracking website traffic and by WildApricot to embed its functionality on non-WildApricot sites with widgets. In another example, if you embed a Facebook widget on your WildApricot site, Facebook may place a cookie to personalize your online experience.

Important: Third-Party Cookies

Recent changes in the way common browsers handle third-party cookies might cause errors with widgets. These changes are being rolled out gradually by Google, so you may not be immediately affected.

Due to these changes, third-party cookies may be newly disabled by default in Chrome and Safari. You may have to change your browser settings to avoid experiencing limited functionality in WildApricot's websites and widgets.

Important Note: If you've embedded WildApricot widgets on another website, visitors to that site must have third-party cookies enabled in their browsers for the widgets to work. 

Google has provided the following information for Chrome users:

As you browse the web, third-party cookies will be restricted by default, limiting the ability to track you across different websites.

If a site doesn’t work without third-party cookies and Chrome notices you’re having issues — like if you refresh a page multiple times — we’ll prompt you with an option to temporarily re-enable third-party cookies for that website from the eye icon on the right side of your address bar.

For a deeper dive on Google's recent changes to how Chrome handles third-party cookies, please view Google's article, Phasing out Third-Party Cookies in Chrome.

Developers may be interested in also viewing Google's Privacy Sandbox Timeline.

How to enable cookies

To enable cookies in Chrome, follow the instructions from Google

If you notice that third-party cookies are suddenly disabled in your Chrome browser, you can change your settings to allow them again by clicking the eye icon in the right side of your browser's address bar. 

To enable cookies in Safari, view Enable cookies in Safari on mac. You also need to enable cross-site tracking by disabling the Prevent Cross-Site Tracking option. For information from Apple, view Browse privately.

Important Note: If you've embedded WildApricot widgets on another website, visitors to that site must have third-party cookies enabled in their browser for the widgets to work.

Cookies placed on devices by WildApricot's websites

The following cookies are placed by WildApricot on users' devices to support the operation of your WildApricot website.

Cookie prefixDescription
absfStores selected folder in file browser


Additional session key

avmsIndicates that the site was switched from public view to admin view

bc, bs

Used to display notifications in place of the WildApricot logo


Used for CSRF (Cross-site request forgery) attack protection


Stores the return URL after an unsuccessful attempt to authorize a transaction with WildApricot Payments (AffiniPay)

epceSystem cookie which indicates that external auth request failed and contains ExternalAuthProvider name


Used to determine if the user is viewing the site in https mode

lap, apc

Stores the last opened page in admin view. Used when switching between public and admin view

mdasauUsed by the member directory gadget to store the advanced search parameters for users who are not logged in
opsIndicates whether an online payment has been initiated


Stores the last opened page in public view. Used when switching between admin and public view

ppaStores the previous selected payment system when saving payment settings


Stores the return URL after successfully authorizing a transaction with WildApricot Payments (AffiniPay)


Stores role of user (contact/member/admin)


Stores the association ID. Used when authorizing a transaction with WildApricot Payments (AffiniPay)


Used to display information about incomplete applications and event registrations, open invoices, etc


Test cookie used to determine if cookies are enabled in client browser

ThemeReloadCookieNameIdentifies that theme switching is in progress and determines where to redirect after theme switching is completed


Main authorization cookie


Used for wizards (member application, event registration, etc)


Also used for wizards (member application, event registration, etc)

wmcStores session in widget mode

WildApricot uses Google Analytics, UserVoice, MixPanel, Gainsight, and NewRelic services for internal activity tracking and collecting feedback, so a cookie from these services listed above may also be placed on your device.

Obtaining consent to use cookies

A 2011 European Union privacy law requires websites to obtain consent from visitors before placing cookies on their devices.

Termly offers cookie consent management with their Pro+ subscription.

View Osano's website for cookie consent management options. To use Osano's free, open-source solution, you will need to have some coding skills.


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