Website page and page template version history


Each time you make changes to a website page, system webpage, or website page template, the previous version is saved. You can view the previous versions of any webpage or website page template and restore any version. Within the version history, you can see who made the changes and when.

  • If you change the page template for a webpage, a new version of the webpage is saved.
  • If you change the master layout design for a website page template, a new version of the website page template is saved.
  • Switching to a different website theme will not result in new versions of webpages or website page templates and is generally not recommended once your website is live.

Note: Website version history can store up to 100 versions per webpage or website page template. Once the limit is reached, older versions will be removed to accommodate newer ones.

Site pages - version history

To view the version history and previous versions of a specific website page, select Website from the admin sidebar menu. 

Locate the page name within the Site pages list on the left side of the screen and hover over the information icon next to the name.

The popup window displays information about the most recent version of that page. In the popup window, click the link to Show previous version

After you select Show previous version, the sidebar menu will display all previous versions of that specific Site page. Click on a version to view it. 

  • Select Restore version to revert the page to the previous version. 
  • Select Restore as new page to duplicate a version for editing without replacing the current (most recent) version.

Page templates - version history

To view the version history and previous versions of a website page template, select Website from the admin sidebar menu, then select Page templates from the top menu. 

Locate the name of the specific page template within the Page templates list on the left side of the screen. Hover over the information icon next to the template name.

The popup window displays information about the most recent version of that template. In the popup window, click the link for Changes history

After you select Changes history, the sidebar menu will display all previous versions of that specific Page template. Click on a version to view it. 

  • Select Restore version to revert the template to the previous version. 
  • Select Restore as new template to duplicate a version for editing without replacing the current (most recent) version.

Crash recovery

While you are editing a page or template, a copy is automatically saved in the background every 10 seconds. That way, if your browser crashes during editing, the system will prompt you to resume where you left off the next time you access the website editor. Select Continue editing.


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