• Email delivery disabled
• Email preferences
• Subscription sources
• Forum subscriptions
• Email history
From the Email settings and log tab on a contact record, you can view and/or modify email preferences, subscription sources, and forum subscriptions for each contact. You can also view the contact's email history.
Email delivery disabled
If the system is persistently unable to deliver to the contact's email address, email delivery will be automatically disabled for the contact, and a notice will appear on the contact's record.
The options that appear within the notice allow you to archive the contact, re-enable email delivery using the existing email address, or enter a new email address for the contact.
Email failures can several different forms, including:
- Email address not found
- Email server did not respond
- Email is suspected as being spam by the contact's email server
All email failures will be recorded in the contact's email history and in the email log with a status of Delivery failure.
To view the reason for the failure, click the entry within the list.
To troubleshoot email failures, do the following:
- Check the reason provided by the email server for the failure
- Confirm that the contact's email address exists
- Check with the contact to see if their email client is filtering emails
- Ask the contact to add wildapricot.org and your From email (as defined on your Organization details screen) to their email client's safe senders list
- If your site is using a custom domain, make sure there are no SPF or DKIM record errors on the Domain name management screen.
- Review the content of your failed email messages to make sure they do not contain spam keywords (e.g. free, cash). For guidelines on composing emails to avoid spam filters, click here.
- Try re-enabling the contact's email address, just in case the delivery issues were temporary.
Email preferences
Within the Email preferences section of the Email settings and log tab on a contact record, an administrator can change whether a contact receives emails, which types of email the contact is subscribed to, and change the frequency of forum update notifications. The administrator can also disable the delivery of all emails, including automatic system emails, to the contact.
To modify a contact's email preferences, click the Edit button beside Email preferences. The following options are available:
Send emails per settings below
Click to choose which types of email you want enabled or disabled, using the options below.
Disable ALL emails
Click to disable all emails, including automatic system emails such as membership renewal reminders, event registration confirmations, invoices, and payment receipts.
Opt-in status
Indicates whether the contact has consented to receive emails from your organization. The following options are available:
- Opted in
The contact has given their consent to receive emails from your organization. The contact can subscribe to specific types of messages, like event announcements and email blasts.
Opted out
The contact has expressly withheld their consent to receive emails from your organization. They will still receive confirmation emails in response to specific actions on their part, such as membership renewal notices or event registration confirmations, but they will not receive event announcements and other email blasts. - Undefined
The contact has not yet chosen whether to consent to receive emails from your organization.
Workflow emails
Workflow emails – automatic system emails such as renewal reminders, event registration confirmations, invoices, or payment receipts – cannot be disabled for a contact without disabling all emails, using the option above.
Event announcements
Check to allow this contact to receive event announcements and reminders. This option is only available if the Send emails per settings below option is selected, and the contact has not opted out of receiving messages from your organization.
Email blasts
Check to allow this contact to receive manual email blasts. This option is only available if the Send emails per settings below option is selected, and the contact has not opted out of receiving messages from your organization.
Forum subscriptions
Click the check boxes to enable or disable forum update emails, and change the frequency of the emails by selecting an option from the drop-down list. Forum subscription options only appear if the contact has subscribed to forum update emails from a forum page.
When you are finished updating the contact's email preferences, click Save.
Subscription sources
Visitors to your site can sign up to receive newsletters, updates, or other mass emails by filling out an email subscription form.
Signing up for email subscriptions is separate and distinct from the process of subscribing or unsubscribing to certain types of emails.
To view which email subscriptions a contact is currently signed up for, look under Subscription sources on the Email settings and log tab of the contact record.
To change the subscription sources for a contact, click the Edit button. On the screen that appears, check the sources you want to subscribe the contact to.
Forum subscriptions
Within this section, you can view or modify the contact's forum subscriptions, or change the frequency of the forum notifications.
To unsubscribe the contact from a forum or forum topic, or change the frequency of the forum notifications, click the Edit button. After you've made your changes, click the Save button.
An administrator cannot subscribe a contact to a forum or forum topic.
Email history
To view a contact's complete email history – a log of all emails sent to the contact from your site – see the Email history section at the bottom of the Email settings and log tab.
This section will only appear if the contact has been sent emails from your Wild Apricot site.
For each message, the email history will display the date of the message, who the message was sent by (and whether it was a manual or automatic email), and the details of the message, including its subject and its source.
The status of each email – whether it was delivered or failed to be delivered – appears under the Delivery column. If email tracking was enabled for a particular message, the email history will indicate whether each recipient opened the email and which links were clicked.
To filter the email list to display only certain kinds of messages – automatic, manual, failed, etc. – click the Filter drop-down and select an option. To perform a keyword search, enter a search string in the Search field.
To view more information about a particular message, click it within the list. The contents of the message will appear on the Email text tab. Where email macros were used, the macro will be displayed rather than the replaced value that actually appeared in the message. If email tracking for enabled for the message, you'll be able to see the number of clicks for each link on the Links tracking tab.