Why is my text messaging account suspended?

Your text messaging account may be suspended for several reasons. 

Reminder: The billing for your Text Messaging account is separate and different from the billing for your WildApricot subscription plan. 

Unpaid invoice

WildApricot charges your credit card after each month of using the messaging system. If your payment fails, you are notified by email and will have the option to update your credit card details before your account is suspended. 

Disallowed content

Some content is not allowed in SMS messages. If you include some of this content in your campaigns, then your virtual (sending) phone number may be blocked. 

  • Phishing, fraud, and scam
  • Promotional messages
  • Misleading marketing
  • Any content related to sex, hate, alcohol, firearms, and tobacco.
  • Loan offers, debt restructuring or relief, lottery

High opt-out rate

The daily opt-out rate on a sending phone number is defined as the number of opted-out customers divided by the total number of messages that were sent within 24 hours.

If the daily opt-out rate on a sending phone number is 5% or higher, then the account is flagged for monitoring. An opt-out rate of 10% or higher on a sending phone number may result in immediate suspension of services.

Consumer complaints

Major operators in the US and Canada support consumer-driven spam controls. Mobile subscribers can forward unwanted text messages to 7726.

Service carriers monitor consumer complaints about numbers on their networks. If multiple complaints are received about a sender, then a notification is sent to the message sender.

For specific details on your account suspension, please contact support@wildapricot.com.

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