Reordering and grouping menu pages

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You can change the order of pages on your Wild Apricot site menu, and group Wild Apricot site pages under one another to form multi-level menus.

Administrators with limited access can only reorder the pages to which they have been granted access.

Within your menu gadget settings, you can control which site pages are included in your menu. If you choose to include all pages, then all your site pages – except those specifically excluded by setting the page position to Not in menu – will be automatically added to your menu.

If you don't want a parent menu item to be clickable or link to a page, you can make a menu item not clickable.

Reordering menu pages

To change the order of the pages in your site menu, click the Reorder pages link on the Site pages screen.

Now, drag and drop pages to the desired location within the menu.

To make a page the home page, drag it to the top of the menu.

Once you are finished reordering pages, click the Save page order button.

You can also control a page's position within your site menu – and designate it as your home page – through its page settings. Using the options under Position in menu, you can place the page after another page, make it a child of another page, or remove it from the menu altogether.

The Not in menu option is not available for pages that already have child pages grouped under it.

Creating multi-level menus

You can create multi-level menus so that options appear grouped under other options.

You can create as many levels of menu options as you wish, though older themes may not properly display more than 3 menu levels.

Within multi-level menus, a top-level menu option is still clickable and links to a separate page. In the above example, clicking About Us displays a different page than clicking Board of Directors or Partners does.

To create a multi-level menu, click the Reorder pages link on the Site pages screen. Next, drag the page you want to be a submenu option to the right of the page you want to act as the parent menu option.

Once a triangle appears to the left of the parent page name, you can release your mouse button. After you drop the page, it will appear grouped under the parent menu option, both within the page list and in your site menu.

You can click the minus sign beside the parent page to collapse the list of subpages, and click the plus sign to expand it.

You can also group a page under another page through its page settings. Under Position in menu, click the Child of selected page option and select the page you want to group it under.

Reordering pages not in menu

You cannot reorder pages that are not in your site menu but there is a workaround that allows you to reorder pages while hiding them from your site menu.

To reorder pages while hiding them from your site menu, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new page and position it as part of the site menu.
  2. Set the Access level for the page to Admin only (so that it won't actually appear in your site menu).
  3. For each page that you want to hide from the menu, make them children of the new hidden site page you just created.
  4. You can now reorder the child pages while still hiding them from your site menu.


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