Simple member search

You can filter your members list by entering a keyword or phrase. Only those records that match the word or phrase will be displayed.

Members are listed within the Members module while all contacts (which includes members, donors, email subscribers, etc.) are listed within the Contacts module. You can search for members from either screen, using simple or complex search criteria.

You can use a keyword search to filter the members you want to email, export, or archive.

Performing a keyword search

To perform a keyword search from the members list, hover over the Members menu and click List .

In the Search field, start typing the word or phrase you want to find.

Those records that display the word or phrase will appear in the list. Only information appearing in the list will be searched.

The records are automatically sorted by last name. If the last name is missing, then records will be sorted by first name, then organization, and finally by user ID (aka member ID).

Your entire member list is searched, but only 100 records are displayed at a time. You can use the Paging drop-down list to view additional results.

Next steps

Once you have your search results, you can:

  • view individual member details
  • browse through matching member records
  • export matching member records
  • send an email to matching members
  • archive matching members


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