Stopping recurring payments in PayPal

Important Note: These instructions do not apply if you are using PayPal Checkout. For instructions on stopping recurring payments for PayPal Checkout, see Stopping recurring payments.

To stop recurring payments in PayPal, cancel the corresponding recurring profile(s). 

Follow these steps in PayPal:

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click the Settings icon then select the Account settings option.
  3. Search for the "Automatic payments" then click Update beside the Automatic payments option.
  4. In your WildApricot account, navigate to Admin > Recurring payments, and filter the list to display only Active profiles.
  5. Check the box for each recurring profile you want to cancel. To select all profiles, click the check box beside Customer.
  6. Click the Cancel action to cancel all selected recurring profiles.
  7. When prompted to confirm your request to cancel all selected profiles, click Yes.


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