Replacing the admin logo

You can replace the Wild Apricot logo that appears in admin view with your own logo.

You might want to replace the Wild Apricot admin logo because you are a partner providing site design or maintenance services, and you want to increase the visibility of your brand.

You can only replace the admin logo if you have a paid account.

Logo specifications

Your replacement logo must adhere to the following specifications.

  • File name: custom-admin-logo (e.g. custom-admin-logo.png)
  • File extension: .png, .gif, .jpg (or .jpeg)
  • Width: 186 pixels
  • Height: 52 pixels
If you choose an image file with different dimensions, it may end up appearing stretched or otherwise distorted.

Uploading the logo

Upload your replacement logo to the Theme folder from the Files screen or using WebDAV.

As soon as you refresh your screen, your replacement logo will appear.

If your logo doesn't appear, check the file name and format.


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