The following attributes are available for the Setting tag used to control the appearance and behavior of gadgets.
- name – mandatory, setting name. Is referenced by it in template: <$Model.Settings.SettingName$> and in SettingsLayout.cfg
- type – mandatory, one of build-in types:
- string. default control: TextBox
- number. default control: Number
- boolean. default control: CheckBox
- cssSize. default control: CssSize
- cssoffset. default control: cssoffset
- background. default control: Background
- list. default control: RadioButtonList
- title – shown near setting input control in settings panel
- titleDescription – title description for view control
- description – description for view control
- hint – hint for view control
- required – setup required validator for this setting (true/false)
- maxLength – setup maxlength validator for this setting (limitation to maximum setting value)
- defaultControlType – default view control
- defaultValue – default value for this setting
- initialValue – initial setting value that comes from server