After setting up a WildApricot account, you can use the WildApricot mobile app on Android to:
- add, modify, or delete an event
- add or check in event attendees
- add or modify event registrations
- delete an event registration
- manage event waitlists
- add or modify members and other contacts
- search for contacts
- suspend a member
- archive a contact
- record credit card payments
- view, send, and schedule email drafts
- view and cancel scheduled emails
- view previously sent manual emails
- send email to event registrants
- view invoices, payments, refunds, and donations
- email invoices, payments, refunds, and donations, or edit their internal notes
The current version of the WildApricot mobile app does not allow you to:
- create or modify saved searches
- manually renew a membership
- delete invoices or payments
- customize registration forms
- set up event emails
- add new event tags
- add, remove, or modify separate guest registrations
- create or modify member groups
- set up website pages
- modify an existing email draft
- view already sent automatic emails
For the full range of WildApricot functionality, including the ability to design your website and set up events, you log into your WildApricot account from a browser.
Download the app
To download the WildApricot Android app for administrators, tap here.
Logging in
Only full or read-only administrators, membership managers, event managers, or donation managers can log into the WildApricot app. After logging in, the options available to them will depend on their administrator permissions. For example, a membership manager will not see the Events tab.
You can log into your WildApricot account using the email address associated with your WildApricot account, or using your Facebook credentials – assuming you are using the same email address for a WildApricot administrator account.
If you are already logged into Facebook using the email address associated with your WildApricot site, tapping the Log in with Facebook button will automatically log you into your WildApricot account.
When logging using your email address, enter your email address and password, then tap the Log in button.
Currently, you cannot restore your password from the WildApricot app. If you do not remember your password, go to the Login screen on the browser version of your WildApricot account and click the Forgot password link next to the Login button. On the page that appears, you can enter your email address to receive a reset password link via email.
The first time you log into a WildApricot account, you will be required to accept WildApricot's terms of use before proceeding.
If you're not familiar with what the WildApricot mobile app can do, tap Learn more from the Login screen.
If there are multiple WildApricot accounts associated with your email address and password, you will be asked – after logging in – to choose the organization you want to manage at the moment.
You can switch to a different association later from the Account screen.
Navigating the app
The WildApricot app consists of a number of modules: Contacts, Events, Finances, Emails, Account, and Help. To jump to one of these modules, swipe from the left and tap the module name from the menu that appears.
On some screens, you can also view these options by tapping the menu icon at the top left.
Contacts module
Within the Contacts module, you view and manage members and other contacts.
What can't you do with contacts?
- You cannot create or modify member groups
- You cannot perform advanced searches
- You cannot modify previously saved searches
- You cannot view invoice or payment details
- You cannot delete invoices or payments
- You cannot accept online credit card payments
To jump to the Contacts module, swipe from the left and tap Contacts within the navigation menu that appears.
Viewing contacts
The Contacts module groups your contacts by categories onto different tabs.
From the General tab, you can view the contacts you've opened most recently, view all contacts, view all members, or view archived members.
On the other tabs within the Contacts module, contacts are grouped by saved contact and member searches, membership levels, and member groups.
At the top of the Contacts module, the total number of contacts is displayed. You can tap this number to display a list of all contacts, or you can swipe left to view the number of members, then the number of new members (those added over the last month).
Tapping one of the contact categories will display the contacts grouped under that category.
For each contact, their name, email, organization, and membership level is displayed. An orange chevron indicates that the contact is an administrator. A red notice will appear for any contact who has an outstanding financial or membership issue requiring attention – such as an outstanding invoice or a pending application requiring approval.
To view all the details for a contact, tap their name within the list. Within the contact details, their profile, event registrations, and financial transactions appear on different tabs.
Pictures fields are not currently displayed within the contact's profile. Empty fields are not displayed when viewing contact details.
On the Events tab, you can tap an event registration to view or modify the event registration details.
On the Finances tab, invoices and payments are listed. At the top of the Finances tab appears the contact's balance due or overpaid amount, and the number of open invoices. You can record a manual payment against one or more open invoices. Payments and settled invoices are displayed in gray. You cannot currently view the details of a payment or settled invoice.
Searching for contacts
To search for contacts, tap within the search box from a contact list then enter a search string. After you tap the search icon, the current list will be filtered by the search string.
Any contact whose name, organization, or email address includes the search string will be displayed. To remove the search filter, tap the left arrow beside the search string.
Modifying members and contacts
To modify the contact details for a member or other contact, display the tab containing the information you want to change, then tap the pencil icon at the top right.
From the Profile tab, you can modify any of the contact field values, or membership details including level, status, and renewal due, and set administrative privileges.
From the Events tab, you can tap an event registration to view or modify event registration details.
Unpaid registration fees will appear in red. For more information, see Viewing and modifying a registration (below).
On the Finances tab, you can tap PAY to record manual payments for outstanding invoices. For more information, see Paying an outstanding invoice (below).
Suspending a member or archiving a contact
You can suspend a member or archive a contact by tapping the Suspend or Archive button at the very bottom of their Profile tab.
Suspending a member will convert the member to a non-member contact. Archiving a contact will remove the contact from your regular contact lists. The archived contact will not receive automatic emails or email blasts, and will no longer count towards your database limit. When you archive a contact who is a member, their membership will be automatically suspended.
Suspending or archiving a bundle administrator will automatically suspend or archive all the members in that bundle.
After archiving a contact, you can restore the contact by tapping the RESTORE option towards the top of their Profile tab.
To restore the membership of a suspended member, tap the RESUME option towards the top of their Profile tab.
Adding a new member or contact
To add a new member or contact, tap the plus sign at the bottom of the main Contacts screen.
On the New contact screen, you can enter contact details, and optionally, select a membership level.
To create a new contact record, you need to complete one of the following fields: First name, Last name, Email, or Organization.
If you assign a membership level that charges a fee and select a pending membership status, an invoice will be automatically generated. You can delete invoices only from the browser version of WildApricot.
Approving or rejecting pending memberships
Where the membership status is pending – Pending - New, Pending - Renewal, or Pending - Level change – a button will appear, along with the pending membership details.
Tapping this button will display a number of options, including the ability to approve or reject the pending membership.
The options available depend on whether the membership fee has been paid (or is not required), and whether an invoice has been generated.
- Fee has been paid (or is not required)
Options: Approve, Reject - Fee not paid, invoice generated
Options: Activate without payment, Record payment, Reject - Fee not paid, no invoice
Options: Activate without invoice, Generate invoice, Reject
Paying an outstanding invoice
If a contact has an unpaid balance, the amount will appear in red beside their name in contact lists and event registration lists. Using the WildApricot app, you can record a manual payment toward the balance.
Important Note: You cannot process online payments using the WildApricot app. However, your contacts can view your site using a browser on a mobile device and make an online payment.
To record a manual payment towards an outstanding invoice, go to the Finance tab for the contact, then tap the PAY option beside the invoice you want to pay.
To pay all outstanding invoices, tap the wallet icon at the top of the screen.
On the Record payment screen, you can enter the amount of the payment, select a payment method, enter a comment for the payer, and record any internal notes. Once you are finished recording the payment, tap the checkmark.
Note: You can delete invoices and payments only from the browser version of WildApricot.
Events module
Within the Events module, you can:
- Create, duplicate, edit, and delete events
- View event details
- Manage event registrations
- Email event registrants
- Check in event attendees
- Manage event waitlists
What can't you do within the events module?
- Customize registration forms
- Set up event emails
- Add new event tags
- Add, remove, or modify separate guest registrations
To jump to the Events module, swipe from the left and tap Events within the menu that appears.
Viewing events
The Event module groups your events into a number of categories. In addition to the All events option, events are grouped into upcoming and past events, and by event tag.
Tapping one of these event categories will display the events grouped under that category.
For each event, the list displays its title, starting date, location, registration status, and the number of checked-in registrants vs. total registrants.
- A green dot indicates that the event is open for registration.
- Red text will appear if the event is restricted to administrators, selected membership levels, or selected member groups.
- Past events are marked with a gray starting date.
The next upcoming event with registration enabled appears at the top of the Events module. You can tap this event to view its details or swipe left to scroll through all upcoming events with registration enabled.
Searching for events
To search for events, tap within the search box on an event list then enter a search string. After you tap the search icon, the current list will be filtered by the search string.
Events whose title, description, location, or tag includes the search string will be displayed.
To remove the search filter, tap the left arrow beside the search string.
Viewing event details
To view the details of an event, tap the event within the list. Event details include the name, location, and starting date of the event, the number of checked-in registrants, the total number of registrants (including guests), the collected event fees, and the outstanding event fees.
If you sent RSVP emails for a simple event, a summary of the responses will appear.
To view the event description, tap the event title. To open or close the event for registration, tap the button to the right of the registration status.
The list of registrants appears on the Registrants tab.
For each registrant, the list displays the name, organization, registration type, the name(s) or number of guests (depending on whether contact information or separate registrations are required for guests under this registration type), and their checked-in status.
If the registration fee has not been fully paid, the outstanding balance will appear in red to the right of the registrant's name.
To record payment of the outstanding balance, tap the registrant's name within the registration details. On the screen that appears, you can tap PAY to record the payment.
Filtering the registrants list
You can filter the registrants list by tapping the All registrants dropdown and selecting a filter from the menu that appears.
You can also jump to a filtered registrants list by tapping on the totals appearing on the event details screen.
Searching for event registrants
To search for a registrant, tap within the search box at the top of the screen then enter a search string and tap the search icon.
Viewing and modifying an event registration
To view the details of an event registration, tap on the name of the registrant. The registration details include information entered by the registrant on the event's registration form.
To modify the details of an event registration, follow these steps:
1. Search for and tap on the name of the registrant whose registration details you want to modify.
2. On the individual registration, tap the action menu in the top right corner of the screen.
4. Make any changes to the registration information, then click the checkmark in the top left corner of your screen.
Recording a registrant's payment
To view the details of an event registration, tap the registrant's name within the list. The registration details include all information entered on the event registration form.
If the registration fee has been paid, the phrase Fully paid will appear. If the fee is unpaid, the outstanding amount will be displayed in red.
When you tap the outstanding amount within an event registration, the Record payment screen opens, where you can tap the PAY button and record a manual payment toward the registration fee.
Deleting an event registration
To delete an event registration, follow these steps:
1. Locate and open the details view for the event.
2. Tap on the Registrants tab.
3. Search for and tap on the name of the registration you want to delete.
4. On the individual registration, tap the action menu in the top right corner of the screen.
5. When prompted, tap Delete.
Adding a new registrant
To add a new event registrant, tap the plus sign ( + ) at the bottom of the Registrants tab.
You can register a new contact, or select an existing one.
Next, you complete the event registration form and finalize the registration by tapping the check mark icon.
Checking in registrants using QR codes
If the registration confirmation email for your event used the {QR_Code} macro, then registrants can present a printed or digital copy of their confirmation so you can check them in by scanning the QR code in the email.
To check in a registrant using a QR code, go to the event details tab for the event then tap the Check in with QR code option.
Then, hold your mobile device up to the registrant's QR code within their registration confirmation email.
The first time you choose this option, you will be prompted to allow the app to access the camera on your mobile device.
If the registration stored in the QR code is a valid registration for the current event, and the registrant hasn't already been checked in, then a message will be displayed indicating that the registrant has been successfully checked in.
If the registration includes guests, the guests will not be checked in using the QR code. To check in the registrant's guests, tap the registrant's name to view their registration details and check in the guests from there.
To check in another registrant, click the Scan another code option then scan the next QR code.
If the registration is unpaid, a message to that effect will appear, and the registrant will not be checked in.
To check in a registrant with an unpaid registration, tap the circle to the left of the registrant's name and choose one of the check-in options.
If the registration is for a different event, then the registrant will not be checked in, and a message will appear identifying the event.
If the QR code does not include registration information for one of your events, then a message will appear indicating that the QR code is invalid.
Checking in registrants without QR codes
To check in a registrant without a QR code, tap the open circle beside the registrant's name, within the registrants list or within the registration details.
A check mark indicates that the registrant has been checked in. To undo a check-in, tap the check mark beside the checked-in registrant's name.
If you are checking in a registrant who hasn't fully paid the registration fee, you will be asked whether you want to check in the registrant with or without payment.
To check in a single guest, tap the open circle beside the name of the guest or the number of guests (depending on your guest registration settings). If there are multiple guests without contact or registration information under a particular registration, you tap the open circle and then select the number of guests to be checked in.
Emailing event registrants
To email registrants for a particular event, go to the Event tab for the event, then tap the action menu in the upper right corner and select the Email registrants option from the menu that appears.
On the screen that appears, you can filter the recipients list to include either:
- All registrants (whether paid or not, checked-in or not)
- Those already checked in to the event
- Those not yet checked in
- Those who have already fully paid the registration fee
- Those who have not yet fully paid the fee
After choosing the recipients, you can compose the email and then tap the send icon in the upper right corner to send the message.
Using this app, you cannot format the text of your email message.
Managing event waitlists
Once a waitlist is enabled for an event, a Waitlist tab will appear within the event details. Tapping the Waitlist tab will display a list of everyone on the waitlist for that event.
You can tap on an individual entry within the waitlist to register that person or remove them from the waitlist. After tapping on the entry, tap the action menu at the top and choose the appropriate option.
Adding an event
You can add events from the WildApricot mobile app, but there are some limitations. While adding an event from the app, you cannot:
- Customize the registration form
- Set up event emails
- Use the content editor to format the event description
- Add new event tags
- Create multisession events
- Customize event timezone
- Modify registration message
To add a new event, tap the + sign at the bottom of the Events dashboard...
...or at the bottom of the events list.
You will be asked whether you want to create a simple event or an advanced event. Depending on which event type you choose, some or all of the following fields will appear on a New event screen.
You must specify a title and a start date before you can save the event.
Title (Required)
The name of the event as it will appear to visitors on the event calendar and upcoming events gadgets.
Location of the event. This will appear on event calendars and upcoming events gadgets.
Description of the event. To format the description text, you cannot use the content editor available from the browser version of WildApricot. Instead, you can format the text using basic HTML markup code. If rich text formatting was already applied to the event description using the browser version of WildApricot, the following warning will appear:
If you tap the yellow bar, the description will appear formatted with HTML code, which you can modify and save.
Controls who can view this event on an event calendar or via a direct link. You can make this event public, restrict the visibility of the event by membership level, member groups, or limit access to administrators only. If you restrict access by both membership levels and membership groups, then members who belong to any of the selected levels or groups will be able to view the event. If you check the All levels or All groups option then all levels or groups – including any levels or groups added in the future – will be selected.
The event's start date and time. The start date is required but the start time is optional. The date format is based on your organization settings.
The event's end date and time. The date format is based on your organization settings. The end date is not displayed if it's the same as the start date.
Registration types
The registration types available for this event. Registration types are like ticket types. To add a registration type, tap the Add registration type option. After you've added a registration type, you can modify it by tapping its name within the list of registration types. For each registration type, you can specify the following options:
- Name (Required)
Name used to identify the registration type (e.g. Non-member or VIP seating). This will be displayed to the registrant when asked to choose the registration type. - Limit
The maximum number of registrations allowed for this registration type. Leave this field blank if you don't want to set any limit. An overall registration can also be set for the event itself.PriceBase price for this registration type. This does not include any additional event options available for a separate cost. - Description
Description of the registration type. - Enabled
Controls whether the registration type is active and available. - Available from / Available to
Controls when this registration type is available. You can set a From date, a Through date, or both. Leave both fields blank if you don't want to set a date limit. Registration will remain open from 12:00 am on the From date, until 12:00 pm on the Through date. - Availability
Controls whether this registration type is available to everyone, just certain membership levels, or to anyone with the registration code you specify. Using registration codes allows you to offer discount pricing to selected people. - Guest policy
If guest registration is enabled, registrants can register guests at the same time that they submit their own registration. You can control whether to collect contact information for each guest, collect full registration information for each guest, or just ask for the total number of guests. Unless you choose to collect full registration information for each guest, you can charge a special guest price for the event.
Registration limit and waitlist
The overall registration limit for the event, and waitlist policy to be applied when the limit is reached. For more information on waitlist settings, click here.
Labels used to categorize events. You can only choose from existing tags. You cannot add a new event tag from this app. Selected tags will appear on the Select tags screen with an orange background.
To select or deselect a tag, tap it.
Extended options
- Overall limit
The overall limit on the total number of registrations for the event. After the event registration limit is reached, the registration will be closed and an email will be sent to the event organizer. On your event calendar page, visitors will see that the event is closed for registration and that there are no spaces left. You can also set registration limits for individual registration types. - Multiple registrations
Controls whether contacts can register multiple times for the same event. When multiple registrations are disabled at the event level, this option will not be available for individual registration types. - Payment info
The payment instructions that appear on the payment confirmation screen. - Show registrants
If you enable this option, a Registered link will appear for the event on the event calendar and on the event details. With this option enabled, you can control whether the registrants list is visible to all visitors or just members and whether the list includes pending registrations (for which payment has not yet been received)
Duplicating an event
You can create a new event by duplicating an existing one. To duplicate an existing event, open the event then tap the action menu in the upper right corner and select the Duplicate option from the menu that appears.
The new duplicate event will be saved as an admin-only event and automatically opened for editing. The word (copy) will be appended to the name of the duplicate event to distinguish it from the original one.
All event settings will be duplicated, except event access permissions, multiple sessions, and the list of registrants. Event email settings will also be duplicated but cannot be modified using the WildApricot app.
Modifying an existing event
To modify an existing event, open the event then tap the action menu in the upper right corner and select the Edit option from the menu that appears.
Deleting a registration type
You can delete a registration type if someone hasn't already registered using that registration type. To delete a registration type, follow these steps:
- Begin editing the event.
- Tap the registration type within the Edit event screen.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the Edit registration type screen.
- Tap the Delete registration type button.
- Tap the OK button if you are sure you want to delete this registration type.
Deleting an event
You can delete an event if there are currently no registrants for the event. To delete an event, open the event then tap the action menu in the upper right corner and select the Delete option from the menu that appears.
You will be asked to confirm the deletion. Tap the OK button if you are sure you want to delete this event.
Finances module
Using the Finances module, you can:
- View invoices, payments, refunds, and donations
- Email invoices, payments, refunds, and donations, or edit their internal notes
- Record payments against open invoices
You cannot delete invoices, payments, refunds, or donations, or settle invoices and payments.
To jump to the Finance module, swipe from the left and tap Finances at the bottom of the screen. Within the Finances module dashboard that appears, choose the type of financial document you want to view.
All the resulting lists are sorted by date in descending order.
Viewing invoices
To view your invoices, choose one of the invoice filters. If you choose All invoices, you can view all your invoices, including voided ones.
If you choose any of the other invoice filters, any voided invoices will be excluded.
To view the details of a particular invoice, tap it within the list. Within the invoice details, you can jump to the related contact or the transaction details.
If the invoice is unpaid, you can tap Pay to accept payment against the invoice. On the Record payment screen that appears, you can enter the amount of the payment, select a payment method, enter a comment for the payer, and record any internal notes. Once you are finished recording the payment, tap the check mark.
If the invoice is paid, you can jump to the payment details.
To void or email the invoice, or update the internal notes for the invoice, tap the action menu in the upper right corner and select the appropriate option from the menu that appears.
When you choose the option to email the invoice, you can change the contact's email address, adjust the subject, and enter a message. The invoice details will be automatically inserted after your message.
Viewing payments
To view your payments, tap Payments under Payments & refunds, or tap All under Payments & refunds to view all payments, refunds, and donations.
To view the details of a particular payment, tap it within the list.
Within the payment details, you can jump to the related contact. If the payment is settled, you can also jump to the related invoice(s).
If the payment has been refunded, you can jump to the related refund.
To email a receipt for the payment, or update the internal notes for the payment, tap the action menu in the upper right corner and select the appropriate option from the menu that appears.
When you choose the option to email the payment, you can change the contact's email address, adjust the subject, and enter a message. The payment details will be automatically inserted after your message.
Viewing refunds
To view your refunds, tap Refunds under Payments & refunds, or tap All under Payments & refunds to view all payments, refunds, and donations.
To view the details of a particular refund, tap it within the list.
Within the refund details, you can jump to the related contact. If the refund is settled, you can also jump to the related payment.
To email a refund notification, or update the internal notes for the refund, tap the action menu in the upper right corner and select the appropriate option from the menu that appears.
When you choose the option to email a refund notification, you can change the contact's email address, adjust the subject, and enter a message. The refund details will be automatically inserted after your message.
Viewing donations
To view your donations, tap Donations under Payments & refunds, or tap All under Payments & refunds to view all payments, refunds, and donations.
To view the details of a particular donation, tap it within the list.
Within the donation details, you can jump to the related contact. If the donation has been refunded, you can also jump to the related refund.
To email a donation confirmation, or update the internal notes for the donation, tap the action menu in the upper right corner and select the appropriate option from the menu that appears.
When you choose the option to email a donation confirmation, you can change the contact's email address, adjust the subject, and enter a message. The donation details will be automatically inserted after your message.
Emails module
Within the Emails module, you can view, send, and control the scheduling of emails.
What can you do with emails?
- View, send, and schedule email drafts
- View and cancel scheduled emails
- View previously sent manual emails
- Send email to event registrants (see Events module for more information)
What can't you do with emails?
- Modify an existing email draft
- View already sent automatic emails
To jump to the Emails module, swipe from the left and tap Emails within the menu that appears.
Viewing emails
The Emails module organizes your emails into 3 tabs: Drafts, Scheduled, and Sent.
The Drafts tab displays unsent, unscheduled emails. The Scheduled tab displays unsent scheduled emails. The Sent tab displays a log of already sent manual emails.
At first, the Emails module only displays emails created by you – the administrator who is currently logged into the app.
To view all emails, drag the ON button beside View only created by me ... the OFF position.
Viewing, sending, and scheduling email drafts
Within the Emails module, the Drafts tab displays unscheduled email drafts. From here, you can view, send, and schedule email drafts.
For each draft, the subject line of the email is displayed, along with the recipients and the date the draft was created.
To view an email draft, tap it within the list. The details of your email draft will appear.
Using this app, you cannot modify an email draft – its content or its recipients – but you can send it or schedule its delivery.
You can use this app to schedule an email only if the email has a subject and one or more recipients already specified.
To send the email draft immediately, tap the send icon at the top of the email details screen.
You will be asked to confirm your request to send the email draft.
To schedule the delivery of the draft, tap Schedule within the draft details.
On the screen that appears, you can specify the date (and optionally, the time) you want the email to be delivered.
The time you set here corresponds to your organization’s time zone. If you don't choose a time, it will default to 12:00 am on the specified day.
The time you choose is when the email will be queued for delivery. The message may take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours to be actually delivered.
After you've indicated when you want the email delivered, tap the Schedule button.
You will be asked to confirm your desire to automatically send the email as scheduled.
Once you confirm its delivery schedule, the message will appear on the Scheduled tab within the Emails module.
To unschedule a scheduled email, tap the Cancel button on the schedule details screen.
For more information on unscheduling a scheduled email, see below.
Viewing and unscheduling scheduled emails
On the Scheduled tab, you can view scheduled emails, and view or cancel the delivery schedule.
For each scheduled email, the subject of the email is displayed, along with the recipients and the date the message is scheduled to be delivered.
To view a scheduled email, tap the email within the list. The email details will appear.
To view or cancel the delivery schedule, tap Scheduled within the email details. To cancel the scheduled delivery, tap the Cancel button on the screen that appears.
You'll be asked to confirm your request to cancel the delivery schedule for this email.
Once you confirm your request, the email will be moved to the Drafts tab.
Viewing sent emails
On the Sent tab, you can view a log of manual emails that have already been sent.
You cannot use this app to view automatic emails that have already been sent.
For each sent email, the subject of the email is displayed, along with the recipients and the delivery information (recipient or number of recipients, and percentage successfully delivered).
To view the details of a sent email, tap it within the list.
Settings screen
From the Settings screen, you can adjust the settings for the app.
Currently, you can control the notifications sent by the app. You can choose to be notified in the following cases:
- when registration limits for an event are reached, either for a particular registration type or for the event itself
- if there are pending membership applications that require approval.
The notification options are only available only for full administrators and event managers, and only if you have enabled notifications for the app within your Android device settings. When you first run the app, you will be asked whether you want to enable notifications. You can also enable notifications from your device's app info settings.
Account module
From the Account module, you can log out of the app, switch to a different association, and change your account password. You can also tap your website URL to view the site in a browser.
To jump to the Account module, slide left to right from any screen and tap the Account option that appears on the left.
To log out of your WildApricot account, tap the Log out button from the Account screen.
You will be returned to the Login screen.
To switch to a different association, tap the Change association button then choose an association.
To change your WildApricot account password, tap the Change password button from the Account screen. On the Set new password screen, you can enter and save a new password.
Contacting support
If you can't find answers to your questions, you can contact our support department for assistance, free of charge.
For contact options, slide left to right from any screen and tap the Contact us option that appears on the left. The Contact us screen displays links to contact us by phone or email or by submitting a support request.