Emailing the password link

When you add new contacts or members through importing, they will not receive a welcome email with their login credentials. You have to manually email them with a password reset link by clicking the Email new password button from the contact's Contact details tab on their contact record.

To customize the password email, click the Settings menu and choose the Password email option (under Emailing).

On the screen that appears, click Edit to enter edit mode then make your changes and click the Save button.

Within the body of your email message, you can let your new members know about your site and their membership, and include the {Contact_Password_Reset_URL} which displays a password reset link. A sample welcome message appears below:

Hi {Contact_First_Name}, 
Welcome to the new association website! You have been added as a member. 
You can use your email address to log in to your member profile:
If this is your first time logging in, please use the following link to reset your password: 
An email will be sent to you to reset your password.
Once you've logged in, you will be prompted to accept the terms and conditions.
Then, you can go into your profile and update and verify your contact information.
Let's make this association something special!
The Association Team


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