Events tab

To view all the event registrations for a particular contact, go to their contact record and click the Events tab.

For each event, the following registration information is displayed:

  • Registration date
    When the registration was submitted.
  • Event
    The name and date of the event.
  • Ticket type
    Ticket type used to register for this event.
  • Amount
    Total fee (including extra costs they have selected as well as the amount of guest registrations), how they chose to pay, and the balance due.
  • Status
    Status of the registration invoice. If no event invoice exists for the contact, you have the option of generating a new invoice, or confirming the registration without creating a new invoice (and no fee will be charged to the registrant). You also have the option to record payment on all outstanding invoices. Once paid in full, the status is shown as Paid.

You can click on any of the listed events to view the contact's event registration details.

You can also manually register the contact for more events by clicking the Record event registration button.

To export all the event registrations for this contact, click the Export registrations button. You will be asked to choose the export file format, and the fields you want included in the export file.


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