WildApricot allows your members to manage several aspects of their own memberships, including membership renewal, automatic dues payments, and membership level changes.
Renewing a membership
Members can renew their membership from the renewal notice email or within their profile on your WildApricot website. Renewals can also be processed automatically if automatic renewal payments have been configured.
When a member is limited to renewing only one period ahead or only a certain number of days or months ahead, a notice informing the member of the next possible renewal date will appear in place of a membership renewal link until the renewal window has begun.
Renewal via email
You can provide for a membership renewal notice and invoice to be automatically emailed to members within the membership level settings. When a member receives the email, they can click the Renew your membership link to begin the renewal process on your website. After logging in, they are taken to their member profile where they can renew their membership.
Renewal via website
When a member logs in, a message will appear in the bottom right corner of the screen, notifying them of any unpaid invoices, incomplete registrations, or other outstanding balances owed. Clicking on a message link will open the member's profile, where the member can follow on-screen prompts to confirm or cancel renewal as well as view and pay invoices.
Members: Canceling a renewal and its invoice
Members can cancel a renewal they have initiated but not yet paid by logging in to their profile and clicking Cancel renewal and void invoice.
Members can stop automatic renewal payments from their member profile page. Members click the Invoices and payments tab in their profile, then click Stop recurring payments button beside the transaction item labeled as Membership renewal.
If admins have not disabled the self-renewal option for members to renew their own memberships, then members can confirm renewal by clicking a link in the automated renewal email or the renewal link within their profile on your WildApricot website.
If a member wants to renew but they want to change membership levels first, and they have a balance due on their account for membership renewal, then they must first cancel any pending renewal and its invoice. After a member selects the link to Cancel renewal and void invoice within their profile on your website, they can make changes to their membership level and renew their membership at the new level.
Disabling the ability for members to manage their own renewals
You can turn off the ability for members to self-renew their memberships by following these steps:
- In the admin view, navigate to Members > Levels and select a level.
- Open the Renewal policy tab for that level.
- In the Limit renewals section, check the box labeled Disable self-service for members renewal.
Changing membership level
If you have configured the Level security options for a membership level to allow members to change levels, then members can change their own membership level within their profile on your WildApricot website.
Note: The option to change their own level is not available to members if their membership status is Pending, or if the member has an automatic renewal payment pending. See the bottom of this page for details.
When a member changes their membership level, the full price of the new membership term will be billed, and the next renewal date will be calculated based on new level settings and payment date. There is currently no pro-rating based on the previous membership level.
After clicking the Change membership level button, members will be presented with the list of available membership levels. After clicking Update and next, the member is asked to confirm the level change.
Changing membership level when automatic renewal payments are scheduled
If a member is scheduled for automatic renewal payments, they cannot change their own membership level without first canceling their pending automatic renewal.
Admins can change a member's membership level within the admin view without canceling the automatic renewal payments.
If a member upgrades from a membership level without automatic payments to a level with automatic payments enabled, they will follow the new automatic renewal schedule as any new member of that level would.