Setting up an online event

Within Wild Apricot, you can set up an online meeting or virtual event hosted by Zoom, GoToMeeting, or Webex among others. 

You can set up an online meeting as a simple or advanced event. You provide a link to the meeting in your confirmation and reminder emails, either by pasting the link directly in your confirmation and reminder emails (simple or advanced events) or by pasting it in the Additional event information field and including the {Event Extra_Info} macro in your confirmation and reminder emails (advanced events only).

Do not include the link in the event description since anyone can view it and join the meeting without registering or responding.

To set up an online event, follow these steps:

  1. Create the meeting as a simple event or an advanced event. If you just want your members to RSVP your invitation and you're not charging a fee or requiring an additional information from registrants, create a a simple event. Otherwise, create an advanced event.
  2. Enter a title for the event. You might want to include the word "online" or "virtual" in the title.
  3. Under Location, enter text indicating that this will be an online meeting (e.g. "Zoom meeting - link to be shared").
  4. Enter a start date, start time, and end time.
  5. If you created this as an advanced event, paste the meeting link and enter instructions to click it in the Additional event information field.
    This information will be automatically added using a macro to non-customized confirmation email templates. We'll show you later how to insert the macro yourself.
  6. Click the Save button to save your changes.
  7. Click the Emails tab to set up your event emails.
  8. Click your Event registration confirmed email.
  9. If you don't see the meeting link within the body of the email, click the Edit button to edit the email.
  10. If you created this event as a simple event, then insert the meeting link, and whatever instructional text you want, where you want them to appear within the message. If you created the event as an advanced event, position your pointer where you want the meeting link to appear, then click the Macro icon within the editor toolbar at the top.
    Within the dialog that appears, scroll down to the Event information section and check the box for the {Event Extra_Info} macro.
    Now, click the Insert macro(s) button to insert the macro into the email template.
  11. Click the Save button to save your changes to the email template.
  12. Click the Back link to return to the Emails tab for your event.
  13. Make the same change, if necessary, to the event reminder emails.
  14. Set your event's visibility.
  15. Enable your event for registration.
  16. Schedule your event emails or send the first event announcement now. 

The meeting link within your emails will be automatically rendered as a hyperlink by your recipients' email readers.


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