Recurring donations


You can set up recurring donations so that pre-authorized donations can be automatically collected on a regular schedule. This allows your donors to make regular donations without any additional effort. 

After a donor has set up a recurring donation, full administrators and donation managers can view, adjust, and delete donors' recurring donation subscriptions. Donors can view or stop their own recurring donation subscription but cannot adjust the frequency or any other details.

How admins enable recurring donations

Note: Recurring donations are only available for WildApricot accounts that have set up an account with WildApricot Payments (Affinipay).

To enable recurring donations, select one or more donation frequency options. These options will appear on your donation form

To enable donation frequency options, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Donations > Settings.
  2. In Donation settings, check the recurring donation options you want to appear on your donation form. 
  3. Click Save all changes.

How donors make recurring donations

After you have enabled recurring donations on your website, donors will be able to make a one-time donation or a recurring donation.

In the Payment frequency section on the donation form gadget, donors can choose the One-time option or any of the recurring options you have enabled.

When the donor clicks the Pay button, the details of their donation will be displayed on the online payment screen.

When the payment is successfully processed, a donation receipt email will be sent to the donor.

WildApricot will automatically save the card used for recurring donations. Donors can remove or change the card using the instructions for one-click checkout without affecting their recurring donations.

Viewing recurring donation subscriptions

To view all recurring donation subscriptions, navigate to Donations > Recurring donation subscriptions

To view the details for a particular subscription, click the Next payment date for that subscription.

In the subscription details, you can view payment details, the values entered on the donation form, the last 4 digits of the credit card used for the donation, and a log of donations already collected for that subscription.

Note: Within the payment details, cycles refers to the number of donation payments that have taken place so far within this subscription.

Viewing recurring donations

In Donations > Donation list, the Donations tab displays all donations, both one-time and recurring. 

To filter the Donation list to display recurring donations: 

  1. In By donation field, select the recurring donation frequency you want to filter by.
  2. To view the details for a particular recurring donation, click the date of the donation within the list of results.

How admins modify recurring donation subscriptions

Full administrators and donation managers can adjust the amount, frequency, next payment date, or internal notes for a recurring donation subscription. 

To modify the details of a recurring donation:

  1. Navigate to Donations Recurring donation subscriptions.
  2. Click the Next payment date for that subscription.
  3. Click the Edit button.

What admins cannot modify with recurring donations

Admins cannot:

  • Manually set up recurring donations for a donor
  • Update an existing recurring donation subscription with new credit card details 
  • Restart a stopped recurring donation subscription
  • Find out whether a recurring donation subscription was stopped by an administrator or the donor
  • Allow donors to adjust the amount or frequency of a recurring donation

How admins stop a recurring donation

A full administrator or donation manager can stop a recurring donation subscription.

There are two ways to do this:

Method 1

  1. Navigate to Donations Recurring donation subscriptions.
  2. Click Stop in the line next to the Next payment date for that subscription.

Method 2

  1. Navigate to Donations Recurring donation subscriptions.
  2. Click the Next payment date for that subscription.
  3. Click the Stop button.

Note: Any recurring donations will be automatically stopped when you archive a contact.

How donors stop recurring donations

The donor can stop a recurring donation from their member profile. To do so, the donor should navigate to the Donations tab within their profile and click the Stop button for that subscription.

Recurring donation subscription statuses

The status of a donation subscription indicates its current state. You can filter the list of recurring donation subscriptions by status. 

These are the possible statuses:

ActiveThe subscription is properly set up.
Attention requiredThere are issues with the subscription. The donor may have clicked the Cancel button from the payment screen after a payment failure.
CurrentIncludes subscriptions with a status of either Active or Attention required.
StoppedThe subscription has been stopped by the administrator, the donor, or the system. The system can stop the subscription after repeated payment failures.

Failed recurring donation payment

When a donor is directed to the payment screen to pay for a recurring donation subscription, and then cancels the payment (possibly after a payment failure), the status of the subscription will be set to Attention required. Within the details for the recurring donation subscription, a warning message will appear advising you to contact the donor.

From the Donations tab on their member profile, the donor can attempt to retry the payment by clicking the Try again button for that subscription.


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